Brooklyn Tweed's apart together initiative

April 14, 2020

I'm just popping in to let your know (in case your haven't heard) about Brooklyn Tweed's Apart Together initiative to help local yarn shops during this time of temporary store closures. In their "pay what you choose" system, any amount you elect to pay from a 30% discount up to full retail will be credited to the BT stockist of your choice. This enables all of us to provide direct support for a yarn store that may lack inventory or shipping capabilities. You can purchase directly from Brooklyn Tweed or shop online or by phone at your favorite participating BT stockist. You can read all about it here. It's continuing for another month, May 15. The idea is ingenious.

I've always wanted to try Arbor and knitting with it is a delight. I also bought some Shelter in Fossil and Newsprint for the Cozzy Shawl and a batch of Narwhal for either a Sunday Cardigan or a Weekender.

Five weeks into this and I cannot complain because we aren't doing too badly. I actually feel quite cozy, but if it weren't for my knitting and audiobooks I don't know what I'd do. Do you feel the same? Even when the shelter-in-place is lifted (in a month or two?) I'm very certain I won't go rushing out to get back into my old habits. A littler life is quite satisfying. How are you doing? I wish you all the best.

Using a marled black and white yarn with a geometric colorwork pattern reminds me of the TV static of my youth!


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  1. I'm also knitting away. I've finished 2 sweaters and on to the third. I also listen to audiobooks and try to find books that are 15-20 hours long so I can listen for days. Just finished Songbird by Peter Grainger. I love his books, this is the first in a new series.

    1. I'll have to see if they have Songbird on the Libby app. I don't often read series and think it might be a first for me!

  2. Wonderful idea, but I don't want to see skeins of yarn with SHELTER on it right now. Enough is enough.


  3. Cute hat! Hope BT's wonderful initiative becomes a trend. Baking helped me overcome the jumpiness I had from forced inactivity. Now I am more ready to settle down and knit. As a "senior" (whatever that is) I am still supposed to shelter in place a bit longer despite newly announced guidelines, so I plan to knit away. Chloe

    1. In California we are still under pretty strict shelter in place. It’s ghostly! I imagine we’ll be the last to be released whenever that happens.

  4. Oh, re music, we just bought another Bose which we had lost in a move. Music, audiobooks, the world! Who needs to out? Chloe

    1. Not me! I feel pretty lucky that this hasn’t really hit us too hard.


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