walla walla

December 16, 2018

I just got back from a one week trip to visit my girlfriend in Walla Walla, Washington. It's a relatively small town famous for being the heart and soul of Washington's beautiful wine country, situated in the very southeast corner of the state, close to both the Oregon and Idaho borders. It's a lovely area and the town of Walla Walla itself is totally charming. And to make it even more perfect, they had one of the nicest knitting stores I have ever seen. Next store to that was a gorgeous quilting store. I was in heaven! I spent a relaxing week with my friends and they did not let me lift a pinkie; I never poured myself a cup of coffee, let alone bring a dish to the sink. I slept in Italian sheets on a McRoskey mattress. I awoke to the smell of bacon and pancakes and at night was fed homemade Irish stew, steak, and corn chowder. Her home is completely gluten free so I didn't have to wonder a bit about the ingredients. We didn't see all that much of her husband (it being football season and all), but he did come around at pertinent times to pop a cork or two of champagne for us.  They live in a big, old, beautifully restored and beautifully decorated home a few blocks from downtown (and that knitting store) and a few blocks from Whitman College. We walked 4 miles every morning and then sat by the fire and knitted and chatted. Does this sound like the perfect trip in every way? It was (insert lazy, smiling emoji), but it got even better. We spent the last night in Portland to visit her daughter and her family of all boys (even the dog), and then had a day to yarn hop. When I travel I like to take home something that is locally made, or something that I cannot find in my own local yarn shop. I know it won't surprise you one bit to hear that I bought something at each store.

In Walla Walla

In Portland
Starlight Knitting Society, my favorite in Portland.
Pearl Fiber Arts, in the cool Pearl shopping district.
Northwest Wools, in the fun Multnomah district.

The next dozen pictures are of Purl 2 in Walla Walla. It is a beautifully curated yarn shop with so many of the greats: Brooklyn Tweed, Woolfolk, Yoth, Hedgehog, Spincycle, plus some local alpaca. Lovely, super friendly owners.

I really got carried away in this shop. Yoth for me, Universal for a baby sweater, and the Mal for a hat for a friend.

Below are pictures of the quilting shop that was right next door. Friendly and enthusiastic owners.

The next four pictures are of Portland's Starlight Knitting Society. This was by far my favorite of the three we visited in Portland. Friendly and helpful, beautiful, with a great selection of yarn.

I didn't get into too much trouble here! A sweater's worth of BC Garn organic worsted weight wool.
It was rainy on our Portland shopping day so we didn't get to explore the Pearl district too much. Pearl Fiber Arts is a smaller shop, but lots of charm and very helpful staff. I guess I didn't take any pictures there but did manage to snag 21 Color Slouch kit, below, by Virginia Sattler Reimer. This Blue Sky kit has eluded me for years! I have seen it at knitting conventions and when I went back to get it they were sold out both times! Lucky for me, Pearl had one left. This will most likely be a gift for my granddaughter.

Our last shop was Northwest Wools in the tiny Multnomah district of Portland. It's charming in every way with some cute shops and good eateries. The staff was super friendly and they had some great knitted samples and a good selection of yarn including my favorite, Rowan. I purchased a USA sourced sock wool dyed by a local Portland dyer, Knitted Wit, in a crazy color to make a baby something or maybe socks.

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  1. Ooh, I love the colours of the Knitted Wit! Some fab socks. Cindi

    1. Thank you sweets. It's kind of out of my wheelhouse, isn't it?

  2. Gosh, Kristin, you really know how to pick your friends:-). Now I want to visit Walla Walla. Thank you for all those beautiful yarn shop pictures. Like a lovely Christmas present in itself. Chloe


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