merry citrusmas

December 23, 2018

This crazy thing is called a Buddha's Hand. I think they're gorgeous (my husband thinks they're creepy) but the fragrance is the best thing about it. One fruit will fill a room with heavenly citrus scent. I put one on my nightstand last night and I went to sleep with the prettiest perfume. I even have one on my desk now while I'm writing this. They have no pulp or juice and are grown as a curiosity, a room freshener, and for its sweet zest. It's great candied too.  In my neighborhood it's fairly common to put excess garden produce in a basket near the street so walkers-by can help themselves. These neighbors artistically lined these characters up on their fences and structures! I'm sure they got a good giggle when they put them out knowing that many people were just going to stare in disbelief! Growing up in California, Christmas always ushered in the beginning of the citrus season. The center of our Christmas table always had a bowl of mandarins and a few early lemons. Our own pink lemons and Valencia oranges will not be ready for another month or so, but our neighbor said her grapefruit would be ready any day now. I do so love these Buddha's Hand fruits and so grateful our neighbor is a sharing kind of guy!

I gave myself a gift this year and decided not to make elaborate gifts or ornaments. My knitted gifts are lovely hats and one beautiful garter stitch blanket. I'm really happy with them all and happy not to have the added stress of unfinished gifts and projects! With those wrapped up, I do have a few projects that are getting attention right now. I'm one of six women making a group quilt for a new baby girl in our circle of friends. I've also started Nightshift by Andrea Mowry using leftovers of black, gray, brown, pink and white. I'm not quite certain if I like the way it's turning out, but I love knitting it. I'd love to finish my Rowan Valley Tweed v-neck pullover and only have the sleeves to go. The last picture shows an almost-up-to-date photo of Alicia Paulson's ( from the Posie Gets Cozy blog) advent calendar that I purchased last month. It's so fun opening little packets every day! I've only got two left to open; the two biggies :)

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I hope you enjoy a Christmas filled with all that you hold dear, plus a safe and happy New Year. There are so many things that you can spend your leisure time on, and I'm very flattered when you decide to pop over to Knitionary for a visit. This place brings me much joy and I'm so happy that I can share with you. Happy Holidays.

After washing they're drying on the drainer. You can get an idea of their size.
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  1. Thank you so much Kristin for this fun post at the beginning of such a busy day. You seem to have great neighbors. I have seen a couple different colorways of the original cowl version of your Nightshift and they were both gorgeous as your shawl seems to be shaping up to be. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Chloe

    1. Thank you. As for the shawl, I think I should stick to it as I may like the way it turns out. At least it is fun to knit. Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. Always enjoy your posts.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family 🌲🎁🎅🏻🤶🏻

    1. Thank you so much for letting me know. Merry Christmas!

  3. I saw those at my market yesterday and thought my mind was playing games w/me… was with the salsa and some other
    fruit at a specialty market near my house. I was on a hunt for more parsley. Now I need to go back and buy some!
    Happiest of holidays, Kristen, and have a lovely 2019!

    1. I have never seen these in a market, not that I've ever looked! Thank you Maxine, and hope you have a wonderful holiday season!


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