the Saturday morning garden post

July 28, 2018

We've been busy in the garden as usual this summer; it looks pretty and we've been able to show it off with a few parties. The baby turned one and the kids hosted 40 people in our back yard for a Very Hungry Caterpillar BBQ.  It was an adorable party and the kids did all the work!

For you veggie gardeners, I have some really great finds to share. New to us this year is the Fortex Pole Bean. Of all our years of growing green beans and loving them, my husband and I have voted Fortex #1 in flavor and growth habit, plus they are COMPLETELY stringless at ANY stage! They grow long, about 10", and straight, and can be picked very thin and young too. We will now only plant Fortex. Another new hit this year was an heirloom pickle called Homemade Pickle from Lake Valley. They grow to a perfect dill pickle size, about 5", are very prolific, crunchy and make perfect pickles. The pickle recipe I use year after year is Dan Koshansky's  Refrigerator Pickles. We love this recipe for green beans too. Before I put the green beans in the jar, I break off the ends then blanch in a pot of boiling water for one minute, drain, submerge in ice water and drain. The cucumbers require no prep. We serve pickled cucumber spears and pickled green beans during happy hour or use them as a side dish for lunch. Even the baby loves them! We've been making pesto like crazy too and have started putting some away in the freezer for fall and winter soups. My favorite recipe is this one.  

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  1. We grow Blue Lake Beans here in our midwest garden. You will not get my husband to change his mind!!!! Your gardwn looks so pretty, and I would want to go to a party there too!


  2. Dear Kristen, those first sunflower pictures were so uplifting in a challenging week. Sometimes that is all we need to raise our spirits and put that spring in our steps again. Yay for sunflowers. Thanks, Kristen! Chloe

  3. P.S. ...And Happy Birthday to that adorable grandson of yours! C.

  4. Love, love the garden tour, just gorgeous, looks like a lot of happy work!

  5. Dear Kristen, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother. I’ve been reading your blog for sometime from the UK. I have been knitting and sewing all my life, fitting it around 2 children now just adults and very demanding jobs in education. It’s my lifeline! I now live in the Sussex countryside and I love to see the photos of your incredible garden. Your blog is so generous and the wealth of your produce- flowers, veg and jumpers is really comforting. I love the way you host your friends and your relationship and love for grandson is adorable. I also really like the simplicity of your knits- I have after many many years realised that I only wear the simplest and most elegant of my knits so now try to find simple shapes and yarns. Your blog inspires me.
    I just wanted to send love and thoughts to you. I increasingly manage my elderly father’s needs and I know how difficult the transition from daughter to carer is, and for the parent losing autonomy and independence. Blessings and good wishes xx Emily

  6. My love to your and your mother. You have always been the best daughter.

  7. Hi Kristen, I wondered where you were. This is a difficult time for you. Aging parents take up a lot of our time. Sorry to hear about your Mom and her health. Hugs to you! Take some time to breathe and knit.
    Thinking of you,


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