Marie Wallin's blanket extraordinaire KAL

October 27, 2016

What are you doing for the next 10 months?  If you have some spare knitting time, and you love to knit fairisle, or would like a supportive forum in which to hone your fairisle skills, why not join my friends Marie Wallin (knitter and designer) and Cindi Brumpton (knitter and blogger) in this new blanket knit-along.  There can be no doubt this blanket will become a treasured heirloom--plus it looks like great fun with a dedicated Ravelry page that Cindi will moderate and in which Marie will participate.  Ravelry is the perfect forum for a KAL--it's where you'll meet like-minded people, get support, share triumphs, all the while making virtual friends from all over the world and have the joy of creating one gorgeous blanket. 

The blanket, designed by Marie Wallin, is inspired by Nordic and Scandinavian fairisle design and uses just 11 colors of the very beautiful Rowan Felted Tweed. The blanket is made up of 10 sections, each worked off the other except for sections 1 and 2. These sections are knitted separately and are sewn together, then section 3 is knitted off the joined sections. This means that the only sewing up is the seam between sections 1 and 2.

Being Nordic inspired, the fairisle patterns are more graphic.  Contrasting colors makes this blanket easier to knit than Marie's Fairisle Club 1 blanket and has easier repeats to follow.  It's quite spectacular, isn't it?

DETAILS: Booking is now live and the club will be limited to 500 members only. The knit-along will start on the 1st November and will run for 10 months.  (Please note, as of this posting, the email and printed options are now sold out. There are still places available for the DIGITAL membership only.)

Digital membership -  £87.  The Digital membership is for the 10 digital patterns and the digital version of the HOW TO booklet, including a link to the HOW TO fairisle video.

FINISHED SIZE: The blanket measures 148cm wide x 170cm long.

YARN USAGE: The blanket uses Rowan Felted Tweed. The quantities below include an extra 10%.

Carbon 159         2 x 50g balls (73g)                             
Barn Red 196      4 x 50g balls (195g)
Stone 190            6 x 50g balls (263g)                          
Celadon 184        2 x 50g balls (61g)
Ancient 172         4 x 50g balls (175g)                           
Avocado 161        1 x 50g ball (22g)
Phantom 153        5 x 50g balls (211g)                           
Ginger 154           1 x 50g ball (20g)
Camel 157           4 x 50g balls (198g)                           
Cinnamon 175     3 x 50g balls (125g)
Boulder 195         1 x 50g ball (32g)

Due to the difficulty in getting Rowan Felted Tweed in some areas, Marie recommends Jamieson's of Shetland Spindrift in the following colors as an alternative.

Slate 125                     3 x 25g balls (sub for FT Carbon 159)              
Moorland 195              8 x 25g balls (sub for FT Barn Red 196)
Lichen 1130               11 x 25g balls (sub for FT Stone 190)     
Laurel 329                    3 x 25g balls (sub for FT Celadon 184)
Woodgreen 318            8 x 25g balls (sub for FT Ancient 172)   
Granny Smith 1140      1 x 25g ball (sub for FT Avocado 161)
Birch 252                     9 x 25g balls (sub for FT Phantom 153)
Paprika 261                  1 x 25g ball (sub for FT Ginger 154)
Camel 141                    8 x 25g balls (sub for FT Camel 157)    
Burnt Umber 1190       4 x 25g balls (sub for FT Cinnamon 175)
Steel 320                      2 x 25g balls (sub for FT Boulder 195)

Now, even with the beautiful color option, I imagine more than a few knitters will go rogue and change the colors up.  I'll be looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with!

I'd love to know if any of my readers have joined or are considering joining this KAL.  Please, let me know!

Helpful Links

Club info on Marie's website is here.

Purchase the digital club version here

Join the moderated Ravelry KAL forum here.

Please post your comment here.

xoxo from me, and as always, happy knitting!



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  1. Beautiful. Subtle but still colorful. Is that a log cabin structure hiding behind all that fair isle dazzle? I'm not up to fair isle just yet but looking forward to everyone else's progress. BTW I am working with Rowan yarn for the first time and adore it. So easy and pleasurable to knit with. Everyone should give themselves the gift of a one or two skein project, at least, to reduce the cost, if that is a factor. Chloe

    1. I agree, if the more expensive yarn is out of the budget, knitting a one or two skein project is always a treat. I think that little wooden structure is a wood caravan? Are those wheels I see? Wouldn't that be a cozy knitting spot!!!

  2. Every time I see this pattern I am so so tempted. It is beyond beautiful. I got to see the sample that was made for Marie's first blanket KAL and I really liked that. However, I think that the design for this one is even better. I just have so many other projects that I want to knit that realistically I don't think that there are enough hours in the day. Working full time is so inconvenient! Heart says yes, sensible head says no. Maybe I will just console myself with admiring everyone else's progress. Are you joining in the fun Kristen?

    1. I'd love to tackle something like this, but I have only done the most simple fairisle so I would be totally out of my mind for attempting this. I will, however, be popping over to the Rav forum just to see the progress. Some knitters have used different color palettes and I can't wait to see them all!

  3. Me encantaría hacerlo, habría posibilidad de que estuviera traducido al español. Gracias

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