
January 05, 2015



I love everything about this sweater:
the Downton Abbeyesque teal color of Trance,
(Lady Mary would look divine in this color!)
 the lucious fabric of Rowan Kidsilk Haze knit double,
(oh, sigh!)
the split hem that's shorter in the front,
(it's nice, right?)
and the awesome slash neckline that's so easy yet so effective and flattering,
(and is my new favorite neckline.)

Wearing Jamie is like wearing a big teddy bear hug.  KSH knit double is so fantastic to knit, and wearing it is just as nice.  It's light and warm, yet somehow it's rarely too warm. Perhaps the silk content helps it to breathe?  I don't have to tell you that KSH is my go-to desert island yarn, I've praised it often enough on this blog, and the minute I cast off for this I started another project from the same book using using KSH double again.  I always have to have at least one KSH project going at all times, I miss it too much if I don't.  With all the knitting I've done over the years I couldn't possibly need another sweater, but I knit for the experience; the touch of something so soft, the cadence of the needles softly clicking, the lovely zen of it all, and this sweater was all that.  You've probably guessed that many of my sweaters very often find homes in other closets, and that makes me happy.  But this one?  This one is staying with me!  My husband keeps saying how it's a pretty color on me, but added, "It's a little baggy, isn't it, hon?"  Then I had to explain how this sweater has positive ease and what that meant, and how it was the look.  (He also alerted me to the fact that it was longer in the back.) The pattern is by Sarah Hatton from the awesome new book, Rowan Loves.  It has a dozen or so patterns that can be knit with different options including yarn choices.  It's a fantastic book that I'll be using several times over the next year or two.

I just discovered Shameless that airs on Showtime.  Does anyone else watch that?  Tell the truth.  That family!  At first I was horrified but a friend told me to stick it out and I would get addicted, and it's true!  I worry about them and cheer them on to do the right thing, but they rarely do, still I love them.  I think season 5 starts this month, so I have some catching up to do as I'm only half way through season one.  After hectic December it's been heaven having some time to veg and knit with the TV as company.  However, I got a Fitbit for Christmas and that little thing is keeping me honest.  I check it about 4PM and scream, "Waaah, only 3,500 steps?".  I immediately hop up for the mandatory hour-long walk. Without a walk this knitter would never ever hit 10,000 steps.  I love that when I'm heading home I get a little buzz on my wrist to tell me I've met my goal, then I come home to a congratulatory email!  Today we had a busy day and didn't get home until after dark, so no walk.  I was dreading the last sync of the night but just now checked it, and hey, not so bad, 8,154 steps with no walk, just moving around, but only 2 active minutes!  Ugh!  Does anyone use a Fitbit?  Do you use it for anything else besides counting steps?

I rarely make new year resolutions, but do have something I am committed to:  Finish up those UFOs (unfinished objects) and wear the lovely things!  I have two that I have sitting out right in front of me that stare at me as if to say, what is your problem?  It will be a quick finish for both, just necklines and the sewing up, not a big deal, so quit procrastinating Kristen!  As a Raveler and a blogger I am committed to taking a picture of EVERYTHING I do.  (I can barely thread a needle these days without documenting it with a picture and a tutorial.)   And it's that picture taking that my photographer and I dread. Why didn't you tell me I was slouching?  Couldn't you see that my hem was crooked?  I hate my smile!  Now we have to take a hundred more!  I actually had jeans on but changed into a skirt, because I think I'm modeling (I say that tongue in cheek) too often in jeans, but it's what I mostly wear.  My husband said, "Why bother changing?  Do you think anyone really looks at your pictures?"  Seriously honey, how insulting!

the links

Rowan Loves book by Sarah Hatton
my book review is here
Jamie Ravelry project page


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  1. Love the sweater!!! Leopard skirt looks great, too. What can't u wear leopard with?
    Husband's comments? Priceless!

    1. I now have 3 leopard skirts! And my husband is a bit of a dry wit and is now he is styling me: picking out my earrings and telling me I need more blush on my cheeks!

  2. I love it and I'm in the UK and read all your blogs and love your pictures of life in California. Shameless is a UK production and is hugely popular and well known for excellent acting - it has created quite a few stars.

    1. I had no idea! I just googled it and our US show is a copy of your UK show. I'd love to see the UK version, after I finish up the US version. We have copied a few of your shows and one of my favorites was The Office. Now it's just reruns but still an uncomfortable as ever.

  3. It's so cute, and I am cracking up reading your dialog with your photographer, it's quite familiar! I'm going to have to hunt that book down. I am also quite a fan of KSH!

    1. Virginia, you will love the book, it's right up your alley. The photography session, argghh, it's quite painful isn't it?

  4. Kristen -- very cute sweater. The "positive ease" is kind of a departure for you. ;-) The only comment I would make in that regard is that I would shorten the sleeves a bit -- but that's me. I'm always pushing up my sleeves, so that length would annoy me. I guess that's why I've always liked the 3/4 sleeve look.

    I use a Jawbone UP24 (like your FitBit). I too, really TRY for those 10,000 steps/day. Don't always get there. I also use it to track my sleep. It helps me turn off the light at night earlier than I might otherwise (I get the buzz prompt!).

    Will have to check out Shameless.


    1. I am going to check and see if I have a buzz prompt to get me to turn out the lights. I'm always "one more row" or "one more page" when I'm in bed.

      Shameless is truly that. Start at the beginning and give it a few episodes to give it a chance, but please, don't judge me in my taste in TV! I also liked Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy!

    2. Interesting . . . about the TV choices. When people were raving about Breaking Bad and I heard what the premise of the show was, I said "no way." Then through gentle encouragement by a few people, I decided to give it a go. I am currently in Season 4, but I have to say, I could NEVER binge watch that show! I have to take it in small doses, but I do think it is VERY well written and I have to say that I do like Jesse despite his bad behavior. I think Walter is a bit of a nut case. I ordered the first DVD of Shameless from Netflix -- I'll keep you posted. . . ;-)

    3. Diane, I agree about small doses of Breaking Bad, and you will most likely feel the same way about Shameless if can get through the first few episodes. I just met the grandmother, gah, explains a lot! I heard there is a UK version of it too. Yes, do come back and let me know what you thought.

  5. It is so fabulous!!! The teal color you picked is just perfect! And love the leopard skirt!!!!

    1. Awww, thanks Leah! Did you decide to make it too? It looked really great on you.

  6. They look lovely patterns and I would love to try the wool :-)

    1. KSH is so beautiful. I would love to know if you tried it and what you thought.

  7. I love that sweater! I have had my Fit Bit for about two years and, yes, I go for the 10,000 steps every day. Don't always make it, but usually do. I don't use it for anything else.

  8. This looks so lovely on you, Kristen. Great colour too!


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