high hopes

January 07, 2015

Hello!  Thank you all for entering my last giveaway.  For the record, I enter every single giveaway I can possibly enter.  Sometimes I win!  I figure someone has to win and it might as well be me!  The winner of the Brushed Fleece skein and companion book is Katinka (Rav. ID).  I've just contacted Katinka via Ravelry and as soon as I have an address I will put them in the mail.  I have at least 3 more awesome giveaways in the works, including another awesome Tower of YARN, plus my favorite de-piller and some more surprises.  Also, I'll be sharing some spring/summer previews.  In the meantime, have a peek inside in my work basket:  

This is the one that has my atttention at this moment (although that is as changeable as the wind), Gemma by Sarah Hatton from the Rowan Loves book.  I'm knitting it with a strand each of a subtle KSH Stripe with a neutral KSH and it's creating the most luminous fabric.  Totally in love with this.  The picture doesn't give the fabric or color justice.

My LYS had KSH Glamour half off, it's the one with the sequins, and so bought enough to make Jamie again.  Honestly, I've barely been able to take it off, I love it so much.  This time around I'm knitting it single.  I think it will be pretty for my Easter sweater.  I've had a tradition of knitting something special for Easter Sunday for many years now.  This blue is heavenly, in fact, Heavenly is the name, so that seems appropriate for an Easter sweater!  Too bad you can't see the little sequins in the photo but they are there and they are subtle and sweet.  The yarn has been discontinued and is lovely, so if you can find it on sale, grab it.  I also bought some in white.

I always have a grab and go travel project, one that does not require my attention or my eyes.  This garter stitch baby sits in a bag by the front door ready to go anywhere, anytime!  I'm using the  lovely Alchemy Temple, super soft superwash wool for a simple striped lap blanket.  This has only been to two movies and look how much is done!  We saw "Into the Woods", don't bother.  Yesterday we saw "Big Hero", pretty cute.

Alrighty, how would you like a wee sneaky peeky?  There is an absolutely gorgeous yarn coming your way (mid January for the European market, or the beginning of February for North America)  One of the three new Rowan spring/summer yarns is this 100% cotton fingering weight called Summerlite 4-Ply.  It is by far, the softest and most well behaved cotton I have ever knit with.  It is 100% Giza cotton, and for those of you who love tiny needles and are looking for the perfect summer yarn, here 'tis.  I'll tell you more about this and Martin Storey's beautiful companion book in a future post.

Here is another pattern from Martin's new book.  I love the dainty cables sandwiched between eyelets.  I have this gorgeous mid blue Fine Art in my stash and think it will be beautiful.  Martin is some kind of genius, the designs in this  book are breathtaking.

When I was in Quebec in September I purchased this lovely local wool with a great story behind it's development and  manufacturing.  I'll share that story in another post.  I love to bring home wool souveniers, don't you?  I've always wanted to make Antler, and glad I have the perfect yarn for it.

Spreaking of that trip to Quebec, we flew to Boston, rented a car and traveled for 10 days through Maine ending in Quebec.  We were blessed with an especially beautiful trip as we hit the fall leaves perfectly.  This was my knitting project for that trip, a large EZ Pi Shawl knit with Rowan Yorkshire Tweed 4 Ply.  A very easy knit for the back seat, uncomplicated enough so I could still visit with my fellow passengers and look out the window at the pretty scenery.  I haven't looked at it since I got home, but I am on a mission to finish some of my UFOs and hope this will be one that gets finished!

And here is yet another one that needs to be finished, Rhyme from the Essentials section of Rowan Mag 56.  I could almost knit every single item from that section and in fact have sticky notes all over the book.  I can't believe Mag 57 will be out soon and I'll be sharing my favorites from that in a future post.  But in the meantime, this needs some attention!

An FO!  This is lovely Goldie from Kim Hargreave's Honey book.  It's so much prettier in person, unfortunately my iPhone picture cannot show the glow of the yarn.  It's knit with one strand of KSH Eclipse (the one shot with a skinny strand of sparkle) and one strand of Fine Lace held together.  I will make an appointment with my photographer soon and post it modeled.

I wish I could say that was it for my on-going projects, but that wouldn't be true.  I make no apologies for my excess of projects, heck, you should see my stash, then you would realize I'm showing restraint. There are at least 3 others that I know are needing attention, but sometimes I shove things so far out of sight, it's like they don't exist anymore.  Then one day, out of the blue, I WANT IT and go tearing through my closet to find the precious precious.  Then I'll get cracking on it and it's done.  I really don't understand the caprice that rules my knitting hours, I just go along with it.

My heart is aching over the tragedy that occured in France today.  Heartbreaking, hideous, shocking.  To my readers in France, I hardly know how to offer condolences.  I'm sure you already know that the entire free world is mourning with you, and feeling angry.


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  1. What a lovely stack of WIP! That new fingering weight cotton is very interesting, as is the book. I admit though, living in MN as I do I often look at those summer cotton books with fingering weight wool in mind!

    1. Thank you Virginia, I think these designs would be beautiful in Fine Art or Fine Tweed, or any of the very fine fingering weight yarns.

  2. Your blog is such a joy to read. Thanks for all the info, and your FOs are to die for! Very inspiring! Keep it coming! With three small kids in tow (age 2, 5 and &) I seem to have so little time at the moment to knit but I know that one day that will change! Best wishes, Caroline

    1. Thank you so much Caroline. My goodness, you have to be busy! I'm sure knitting happily takes a backseat while you enjoy your little family!

  3. I see, you will be busy, Kirsten! ;-) Looking forward to see you wearing Rhyme!

  4. You have a lovely selection of projects to choose from!

  5. You are amazing!!

  6. Always love Rowan patterns and yarns! I've only ever knitted with regular KSH and Kidsilk Night before; I'd love to try the other versions too. I don't think I'd ever take off the Jamie sweater either. I basically want everything from martin Storey's collection too!
    lily x

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