Witch Feast

October 29, 2014


Hi!  Just a quick post to share a fun party I attended last night.  My friend Renee celebrates Halloween like no other person I know.  Every year for the last ten years she has given a huge Witchy Feast.  She rents our her club dining room for the evening, spends the entire day decorating it to the hilt, and invites what seems to be close to 100 girlfriends.  She said it first started as a little party just to do something different and fun, but over the years has grown into a way to celebrate the power of female friendships and honor another year of life and good health.  I am always 100% down for celebrating that.

During the cocktail hour Renee had a few passed hors-d’œuvres with seasonal salsas and chips on the cocktail tables.  Because we were so many, she did have a full bar with several bartenders.  I think the key to making this party special is to go all out on the decorating.  Renee used thousands of tiny orange lights to decorate the dining room and hung witches hats from the ceiling.  She said she bought most of her decorations at the "day after" sale, when decorations go half off.  The tables had gorgeous crushed velvet tablecloths with black napkins folded into bats plus a menu card at each setting.  One absolute requirement was every guest must wear witches garb.  Most of us went as glam as we could, but some did go the warty route, funny!  This is the time to wear your retired miniskirt and fishnet stockings or drag out that swanky 20 year old New Year's Eve dress from the back of the closet.  I really had to laugh at some of the costumes!  I think it would be easy to recreate your own Witch Feast and it certainly doesn't have to be a sit down dinner at the club like Renee's.  A paired down version of evening cocktails and appetizers in your home would be perfect. So, are you thinking of throwing a Witch Feast of your own next year?  You should.  It was fun!

"Renee summons witches of the west...ride your broom, ditch your groom and fly to..."

The seasonal menu was printed out on these pretty keepsake cards.

Thanks for popping by.  
I have knitting posts scheduled for the next few weeks, plus another party or two!


to honor yet another year of friendship and health. - See more at: http://knitionary.blogspot.com/2012/10/oktoberfestive.html#sthash.oxkzpruL.dpuf
to honor yet another year of friendship and health. - See more at: http://knitionary.blogspot.com/2012/10/oktoberfestive.html#sthash.oxkzpruL.dpuf

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  1. That looked like so much fun! Great decorations and love seeing a room full of witches!!!!

    1. Thank you! It really was so funny to see everyone wearing witches clothes!

  2. What a fun party! Great photos.

  3. OK, where is the photo of YOU as a witch? I demand one!


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