free tickets for ally pally

October 03, 2014

The annual Knitting & Stitching show, the definitive event for anyone with a love of stitch and crafts is set for October 8-12 at the Alexandra Palace in London.  The Knitting & Stitching Show is the largest and most highly regarded textiles and craft event in the UK.  Whatever your craft passion, it is the perfect place to find inspiration, learn new skills and shop for all your essential supplies.

Ally Pally, you are calling my name.  Oh, if I could only whisk myself from here in California way over to London (easily and inexpensively), I would be there in a heartbeat!  Actually, a few of my knitter friends from around the world thought it would be fun to meet up there.  It didn't work out this year, but maybe next?  I hear this is a fabulous show and I envy any of you that are near enough to visit it.  If you can plan for a visit, I have an opportunity for free tickets at the end of this post.

The links!

Visit the beautiful and informative Knitting & Stitching Show website for all the details.
The exhibitors list hereRowan will be there, stop by and say hi from me!
Daily fashion shows from Coats and Clark featuring Rowan and Kim Hargreaves designs.
If you go, please send me pictures of the knitted pergola!
FYI, for the other Knitting & Stitching shows, go here.
Opening times:  

Wed 8th  10:00am - 5.30pm 
Thu 9th  10:00am - 7.00pm 
Fri 10th  10:00am - 5.30pm 
Sat 11th  10:00am - 5.30pm 
Sun 12th  10:00am - 5.00pm 

If you are lucky enough to be able to travel to this event, the nice show organizers have offered me 3 pairs of tickets to give away to my readers.  Please note these tickets are only valid all day Wednesday, Thursday 3-7pm and all day Sunday.  To enter, please leave a comment and give me your Rav. ID or your email address.  If I have more than 3 people who want these tickets, I will use to choose 3 winners.  I will contact winners on Monday, so please check your Rav. account or your email on Monday.  Winners will need to send me their full name.  The tickets will be waiting for you at will call on Wednesday morning. (Sorry for the late notice on this.  I have been out of town and this was the first chance I had to post!)


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  1. So sorry to hear you cannot make it over! I would love to go though :D My Ravelry addy is cassiopeia1712

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've struggled to post so 3rd time lucky!

    I'd love to go & would take my mum with me as she really needs a day out. My raverly name is nkotb75 & email

    I'm sure I won't win as I never win anything.

    Good luck to everyone & I hope the people that go have an amazing day!

  4. I would love to go my rav id debrasky

  5. Oh sounds like fun! I would love to go. Thanks for the giveaway! Rav id pygmina

  6. I would love the chance to go. It would lift the spirits as winter advances. My email is Keeping my fingers crossed!

  7. Ooh I'd love to go please. I am MaisiePussCat on Ravelry.

  8. I'd love to go! Rav-id: Tattie

  9. Would love to go and get stuff for my new craft room my ravelry ID is kimmies-knits

  10. I'd love to go Rav id is WarboysWitch


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