Kaffe KAL

September 15, 2014

Finally, the average knitter can make a Kaffe design!  Rowan has just announced a new afghan (or cushion option) knit along in an easy design that takes advantage of Kaffe Fassett's unfailing color instinct.  Seriously, is there anyone else like him? There are 4 colorways: red, turquoise, pastel and brown.  When I was at the Rowan mill in June I saw all four knitted up and it was hard to choose a favorite. All four are stunning examples of Kaffe's extraordinary explosive color sense. If you are a teensy bit apprehensive, no worries, as no special knitting skills are required.  This KAL is for ALL knitting levels, pinky swear.  Really, it's all about celebrating COLOR!  The KAL will commence Oct. 1 and will continue through January.  You will receive a clue every week and a half and will be knitting squares that will be joined together at the end of the KAL.   Below are the four colorways.  Join me, I'm going with a brown cushion, or maybe the red.  Which colorway is your favorite?  To get started, all the pertinent links are at the end of the post.

Kaffe PWW Mystery KAL Links:

Download the shopping list (4 languages, 4 colorways, print out only the pages you need!)
Become a member of the Rowan club, it's free and gives access to free patterns and more.
Follow the Rowan FB page for updates
Kate Buller interviews Kaffe Fassett about the KAL  
Many knitting stores are kitting the color ways up.  My lys, Uncommon Threads is doing just that.
You can also purchase the yarn online; here are some stores I recommend
with links that take you directly to their Pure Wool Worsted:

Jimmy Beans
Black Sheep
John Lewis
Love Knitting

Please note that many of these online stores ship internationally.
If yes, there will be a button to click that changes to your currency.  

From Rowan:

Here at the mill, our fingers are twitching in anticipation for the launch of our second global knit-a-long; this time celebrating colour with Kaffe Fassett! With only a few weeks left until we release the first of the patterns, we’re now able to share with you a few more details about the project.  You already know that we’ll be knitting with the glorious Pure Wool Worsted. Made from 100% wool, this superwash yarn is available in 56 – yes 56! – colours, meaning that we’re thoroughly spoilt for choice. Kaffe Fassett has designed the Afghan using a selection of these colours in four different varietions; brown, pastel, red and turquoise. With these four fabulous colour ways, you can create a stunning, yet personalised, piece, which, with the yarn’s easy care properties, could form an heirloom to enjoy now and in future years.
The first square pattern will be released week commencing 1st October 2014 and the last will be December 19.  Each stage, we’ll release instructions for one of the squares that Kaffe has designed. A completed Afghan requires each square to be knitted 7 times, giving a total of 63 squares. The finished size of the afghan will be approx. 133cm wide x 171cm long (52in x 67in), the cushion finish size is 57cm x 57cm (22in x 22in) and the bolster pillow finish size will be 114cm x 57cm (45in x 22in).

In week nine, we’ll provide the two final sets of instructions needed for making-up the blanket, to complete a truly beautiful Afghan.  Beginner knitter? Not a problem, Sarah Hatton has created some online tutorial videos to support you.

The patterns will be released by stage on threads in the Rowan Yarns forum, but can be found grouped together on Knitrowan.com  Share your progress - you’ll be able to ask for help and advice, share your comments, and photos via this Rowan Yarns Forum, on a dedicated Ravelry pattern page, and also on our Rowan Yarns Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rowan-Yarns/114826272423?f...;). If the pace of knitting is a little overwhelming for some, we have also created a smaller cushion design. Watch out for a competition at the end of the Knit-along too!

Dates to remember - mark week commencing 1st October in your diaries for the first pattern. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing in this, an exclusive journey into the world of colour with Kaffe Fassett.

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  1. I'm in for the Brown colorway. and since I still have 47 squares to go on the last Rowan KAL, I opted for the pillow this time.

  2. I love the fact that they are offering a pillow option! An afghan is just such a huge commitment. I am tempted by the turquoise colorway, gorgeous!

  3. Still waiting for my order at Loveknitting :(


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