my year in knitting

December 31, 2013

Here's a look back at all the knits I completed in 2013.  
And yes, there has been a lot!
 I made quite a few sweaters for myself:

 One of my favorites is the Peasant Blouse knit from Isager Highland Wool, 
pattern by Birgitte Hygram.  I loved the intricate chevron pattern, very fun to make.

I wear Alexandra by Jenny Watson all the time.
Knit in Rowan Cork, a favorite discontinued yarn.

Gavotte, pattern by Cecily Glowik MacDonal.
Meh.  I usually love her designs, this one is so-so. 
Knit in discontinued Rowan RYC Cashcotton 4-ply

Loved knitting and love wearing Bailey's Irish Cream by Baby Cocktails knit in Louisa Harding's Mulberry Silk.

Glamorous 5200K by Suvi Simola in Rowan Kidsilk Glamour.

This was my grab and go sweater this summer, Caramel by Isabel Kramer, knit in Rowan Calmer.
Very fun lace pattern to knit, Eos by Marie Wallin in Rowan All Seasons Chunky.

Opaline by Robin Melanson in Rowan Softknit Cotton, very very nice new cotton.

A test knit for the darling Baby Cocktails, Tanqueray knit in the classic Rowan Felted Tweed DK.

Favorite Cardigan by Wendy Bernard, a good beginner top down cable project, knit in Sublime Aran.

Rita by Martin Storey and my first of what will be at least 3 sweaters in Rowan Angora Haze.

That wonderful Angora Haze again, this time in Mila by Kim Hargreaves.  What a gorgeous sweater in color Nest.

Oh man, I love this.  Luna by Kim Hargreaves in the awesome Rowan Kidsilk Eclipse in Topaz.
My last knit of the year, the fabulous Easy Folded Poncho by Churchmouse 
using Rowan Felted Tweed DK, a GREAT combo.
I just loved all the stockinette using on of my favorite yarns.

I knit 4 sweaters for Annie.  First is Twigs and Willows by Alana Dakos in Rowan Belle Organic Aran.

Peasy by Heidi Kirrmaier in Cascade 220 Superwash.

Olmstead by Jenny Ujiie in Cascade Cotton Rich DK.

Clearwing by Amy Cristoffers in Debbie Bliss Cathay, love yarn and pattern.

 I made a few baby gifts too. 
 Here's Josie wearing the Louisa Toddler Cape by Sarah Hatton 
Rowan Baby Merino Silk DK.  Love the pattern and the yarn.

I can't begin to think how many Owl Cardis I've made over the years.
This one in Rowan Wool Cotton 4-ply.  Lovely yarn, lovely pattern.  What a great combo.
Classic pattern by Penny Straker, her mother was the first to turn cables into owls.

Latte Baby Coat by Lisa Chemery.  Loved making this in Cascade 128 Superwash!

I always make a lot of scarves and shawls and gift many of them.

Lark Scarf by Gemma Atkinson knit in the new Rowan Fine Art. 
Walking Rib by Churchmouse Yarns in Rowan Felted Tweed Aran.

Lonely Tree by Silvia Bo Bilvia in the new and wonderful California yarn, PIONEER!  Yay!
My 5th or 6th Cedar Leaf by Alana Dakos, this one in Tosh DK.

I knit the Oaklet Shawl by Megan Goodacre in Plucky Primo Fingering, a good match.
I was in my blue phase and knit yet another blue neck thingy this time using the Wurm Cowl Pattern.

Take It or Leaf It by Marilyn Porter, a one skein, one night wonder knit in Rowan Lima Color.

This would be the year I would have a few of my own patterns published.

I'm proud of Paso, offered by Rowan, using one skein of the new Kidsilk Amore. 

Rowan also published Medocino, again using just one skein of the new Rowan Kidsilk Amore.

My first self published pattern, Christmas Dollies, here using Rowan Angora Haze.

I added another free pattern to the Ravelry pattern base, Woodland Elves using Lion Brand Wool-Ease.

Easy pattern, a hybrid of others I've seen and offered for free on my blog, Boot Cuff knit in Rowan Alpaca Cotton.

Thanks to my knitting friend, Konrad for inspiring me to write this post, and ahem, when I chronicle it like this, it looks like all I did was knit!  But do check out Konrad's amazing 2013 knits.  He excels in fair isle, lace, cables, and well, there is really nothing he can't do, (and wait until you see his afghans) plus he is humble and generous.  Because of him and many of the other knitters I've met over the years through this blog; knitters who have inspired me beyond measure, I've decided to extend myself a little in 2014.  So I resolve to try a simple fair isle pattern, something I've stayed away from for fear of frustration!  2014 will be my fair isle year!  Do you have a new year's knitting resolution?  (Maybe we can knit down that stash a bit?)

My very best to you dear readers, and I hope your 2014 wishes and dreams come true.  And as always, thank you for stopping by.  xoxo, Kristen

Linked to The Dedicated House.

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  1. A review of knits is a great way to wrap up the year....I don't have nearly as many as you :) and Konrad :) but I do think it's fun to look back.

    Your sweaters are gorgeous Kristen....I think you will need another sweater cupboard! Happy New Year!

  2. wow -- that "peasant blouse" is beautiful -- and I have added the "alexandra" sweater and "easy folded poncho" to my ravelry queue (for someday when I have time to knit again!!)

    happy new year and cheers!

  3. Very nice to see your beautiful knits all together in one place. My but you've been busy! Do you still have feeling in your fingers? ;)

  4. What an impressive variety of knitting projects. You are very talented.

  5. Thank you for being so inspirational , I look forward to your blog and Facebook posts and I confess I plan to knit may of the projects you have knitted - and I love Kid Silk Haze as well

  6. You have knit so many items and they are all so beautiful.

  7. Such talent Kristen. They are all so beautiful, it's difficult to pick a favorite. Here's to a bright and healthy new year.

  8. You are amazing!!! What beautiful things you have created in 2013. Josie is adorable.


  9. What beautiful things you have knitted this year, Kristen! And your own designs are marvelous! Bravo! I was excited to read about your fair isle goal for this year. What patterns are you considering?

  10. That is a lot of beautiful knitting! My absolute favorite thing you made this year is the hot pink angora sweater - yummy!

  11. Thanks for a beautiful post, Kristen. Enjoy the fair isle challenge. I'm sure you'll excel at it.


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