Easy Folded Poncho

December 27, 2013

Well the title says it all, Easy Folded Poncho.  This might be the easiest project ever and it's a perfect project to recommend to beginners who want to go beyond a garter stitch scarf.  It's endless stockinette and that drives some folk nuts, but it's totally soothing to me.  This was a travel knit, I took it NYC and knit it without thinking on the airplane and back in the room at night.  Using Rowan Felted Tweed DK is very easy to knit and makes it perfect for touch knitting when you can't look down at your work, like in the movie theater or at a meeting.

I've knit with Felted Tweed DK many times before and it's always a treat to knit and wear, but I usually knit it more as a sportweight at 24 stitches per 4 inches.  This pattern requires that you knit it on larger needles for 20 stitches per 4 inches.  This makes the fabric quite fluid and is perfect for this project.  This fluidity is what makes this poncho work, so I think that you'd need to give any yarn substitutions a good think and make sure you were getting the same type fabric.  With that said, I am diving through my stash to see if I have something that might work, but may end up in the yarn store for the FTDK, I do need another movie knit and could use it today! 

We are going to the movies this afternoon to see The Wolf of Wall Street with Leonard DiCaprio.  Remember I told you my mom was his talent agent when he was just starting out as a boy?  Because of that, and because he is a great actor, etc., we always love to see his movies.  I hear this one is terrific!

This is a very quiet weekend for us.  I am going to play with my new knitting needles I got for Christmas!  My family totally gets me and gave me the new Knit Picks Caspian Needles.  There's always eye rolling when I open my presents, they think I have too much knitting related stuff already, as if.  And these are so pretty!  But I love them because they have great points and are super smooth.  They make for a fast knit but not slippery at all.  Plus the joins on the circulars are very smooth.


Easy Folded Poncho from Churchmouse Yarns
Knit Picks Caspian Needles

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  1. This post is a coincidence...as I was debating doing this pattern due to the huge amount of stockinette...but when I see how pretty yours is I may just jump in and do it!

  2. The Caspian set looks so pretty! Do you still use straights?

  3. I finally knit that poncho for myself this fall...and I LOVE it! I'd love to make one in the recommend FTDK, but I have enough Madelinetosh Eyre (that gorgeous discontinued merino/alpaca/silk worsted weight blend from a few years back) in my stash! love those needles - hope you post a review!

  4. You look good in everything. I might look like a homeless person in this poncho.


  5. This is so coincidental. I have this same color of yarn for a sweater. I knitted this same poncho out of Berroco Flicker in this same color. (Just need to block it) And well, you already know I bought the same needles for myself! Love them all!
    Hope you had a great holiday.

  6. Love the folded poncho! What a practical project! And your new needles are gorgeous. :-) congrats!!!

  7. Great poncho! This is a piece of clothing that perfectly matches many styles. I wear my wool poncho all year round, it keeps me warm on cold days.


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