Top 10 movies for knitters!

February 14, 2013

It is a truth universally acknowledged, 
that a knitter in possession of a good amount of yarn,
 must be in want of a movie.

Happy Valentine's Day and welcome to
Top Ten Best Movies for Knitters
with suggested knitting projects included!    

1. Pride and Prejudice, any version. Perhaps the one with Keira Knightly or the one with Greer Garson, or if you have a few nights, the BBC Miniseries with Colin Firth who is the best Darcy ever, remember when he walks out of the lake? I think an excellent project for PandP would be the June Bride Shawlette by Madam Butterfly. We'd better get busy, if Mrs. Bennett has her way, they'll need 5 over there at Longbourn.

2.  Bewitched starring Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman (too bad she's not pretty, eh?)  I ADORE this movie, Nicole is at her cutest and Will is pretty darn funny plus I love her house and her clothes.  She wears lots of little cardis in the movie and think Miette by Andi Satterlund would be perfect for that adorable dance scene they have together.  This is so Samantha!  By the way, for some excellent help with this pattern go to Gail's Miette KAL tutes.

3. Jane Eyre. Of course every movie version is knit-worthy. But let's say that maybe, just maybe, the one with Joan Fontaine and the latest one with Mia Wosikowska are the best two! For either, the must knit is the beautiful To Eyre by Carole Sunday, so handy in a chilly orphanage.

4.  Midnight in Paris.  I am a huge fan of this movie.  I loved meeting up with Hemingway at the bistro and visiting Gertrude Stein in her parlor.  Such a wonderful fantasy film, I just have a big smile on my face when I'm watching this.  Rachel McAdams has some pretty cute clothes in this movie.  Let's make something for her, how about the Boho Eternity Scarf by Sweater Babe.  I could absolutely see her wearing this in Paris.

5.  Downton Abbey.  I know you're already watching it and I don't have to tell you about this brilliant Masterpiece Theater production that MUST NEVER END!  I was thinking of knitting a christening gown for the gleam in Lady Mary's eye, or maybe a shawl for the dowager but they already get enough attention.  Let's find somebody more worthy of our Lady Edith.  Oh dear, can this poor peer of the realm please catch a break in the romance arena?  To give her a little kick-start let's knit her a Boyfriend Sweater, that should do the trick, by jove.  Check out the hottest and newest boyfriend cardi on Rav,  Hey Girl by Chicknits.

6.  Monarch of the Glen where the young, reluctant laird apparent comes back to his family and their ancient castle in the Scottish highlands to "help get things back in order".  Wonderful story and visually beautiful!  57 episodes, it's available on Netflix.  You will be treated to Pantone Emerald Green scenery, a lovely old crumbly castle, oodles of tartan, the sweet sound of bagpipes and lots of baggy, tattered and cabled pullovers.  Let's knit the young laird a new one!  Cable Sweater by Martin Story using Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran of course.

7.  Le Divorce, and when I say Le Divorce I really mean anything, ANYTHING by Merchant/Ivory.  Like Howard's End, Remains of the Day and Golden Bowl, and there's more, and they're all great and in fact these 3 are better moves than Le Divorce.  I chose Le Divorce because it was such a departure from their glossy period pieces.  I appreciated the tension between the French and American cultures and felt it was well done.  But this is a list for knitters and knitters will love the clothes worn by the stars Kate Hudson and Naomi Watts.   We'll instead whip up something for the supremely prim and icy French mother-in-law, Leslie Caron.  I suspect she wouldn't wear anything unless it was made by Coco herself, but if she won't wear this, we will.  Jacket by Phidar Design Team.

8.  Rebecca.  Have you noticed that I like old movies?  So Rebecca, starring Joan Fontaine and Sir Lawrence Olivier is perfection.  I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the times I've watched it.  Still,  I wince each time Rebecca's American "companion of the bosom" puts out her cigarette in the cold cream!  It's all about the details, people, no matter how gory.  I was thinking of making Mrs. Danvers a straight-jacket, there are many ways we could get macabre here, but let's go sweet instead and knit something for the little wished-for Maxim Jr.     Little Oak by Alana Dakos.

9.  To Kill A Mockingbird.  You didn't think I'd forget this one did you?  Could there be a more perfect Atticus Finch than Gregory Peck?  I've read this book as many times as I watched the movie.  Let's whip up something for Scout. It will have to be lightweight, it's Alabama and it looks like it's very hot.  I love the child's version of Wispy by Hannah Fettig.

10.  Rear Window.  Another Hitchcock movie starring the beautiful Grace Kelly and James Stewart.  Remembering back I think the whole movie takes place in Jimmy's small apartment and his shared city garden. What it lacks in locations it makes up for in suspense!  Terribly exciting.   To supplement Grace's lovely wardrobe our knitting assignment can only be the Kelly Cardigan by Erika Knight.

Oh dear, I didn't have room for Vertigo or Meet Me in St. Louis or Gentlemen Prefer Blondes or The Good Earth!  Argh!  Note that I only picked one Jane Austin.  Truth is I could have filled all 10 spots with her.  Tell me your favorite movies!  I want to know!!

Thank you for coming by this Valentine week.  I had a lot of fun with my top 10's for knitters and I appreciate all your encouraging comments.  It means a lot to me!

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  1. It's like you're reading my mind with some of these! But I have to tell you that Downton is the ONE show I watch without knitting - I just don't want to miss a single bit of the beautiful costuming or scenery!

    1. It's beautiful. I watch it twice and now I even have my husband watching!

  2. Besides those you already wrote about, there are too many to list! But since you asked, I love all the Agatha Christie movies (made for tv or other)as well as Gosford Park and the old british series Brideshead Revisited!

    1. Oh you're right! Gosford Park and Brideshead! Both so great!

  3. Loved Monarch on the Glen...I watched most of them one right after the other. Still have just a few to go though!

    And Downton, this Sunday is the final episode in this did that go by so quick!

    1. I just love Downton Abbey and actually love to look forward to them. Very weird! And Monarch takes forever to watch all of it, it can take a few months I think. Still, I feel so smug when I sit down and watch a few episodes, such a treat. I think it's funny that knitters seem to have the same taste in movies.

  4. Great post. I love the knittting suggestions. thank you!

  5. Chocolat! Great clothes, the gorgeous Juliette Binoche and Lena Olin, and...Johnny Depp! What could be better?

    1. I agree! It was the next one to make the list because of all the little 50s style sweaters she wears!

  6. It was so much fun to read your movie list (and your previous "top 10" lists as well!) Thanks so much for these posts!

  7. Oh, thank you so much for mentioning my design! How did I miss this post?
    Thank you for all your recommendations! and thank you for reminding me to order a copy the Monarch of the Glen at my library!

  8. I don't have much of a green thumb but I love what others can do with gardens. Nice photos! I also am a knitter and want to make a shawl something like the one in the photo mentioning Jane Eyre in your post. First I need to finish my current projects, then perhaps find a pattern and yarn and go for it. :)

  9. What a great post! I'll have to stick with baby blankets for all themes of movies for now as that is what I know how to make, but I enjoyed the suggestions for movies and projects alike!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi cousin, Thanks for the e-vite! Wonderful topic and great photos. I'll have to get my hands on Monarch of the Glen. YES, Colin Firth IS perfect as Darcy.


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