Knitting Love, my top 10 designers

February 11, 2013

The second in my series of Knitting Love Valentine Week, today's Top 10 is very special to me.  I want to honor the talented women and men who have brought me such joy over the years!  The designers below create patterns for garments that are easy to wear, have clearly written patterns, up to date designs and often unique construction.   Thank you dear designers for making knitting so much fun!  Also, I want to give a little shout out to the World Wide Web.  What would we do without you?  You brought all of us together!  Follow the links to the designer's websites or blog.

1.  Kim Hargreaves, famous and beloved English designer associated with Rowan, she would most likely top most lists for her classic and feminine style.  I used to think I had to add cables and lace to every hand knit, but the most wearable knits for me is something that Kim dreams up, usually something simple but elegant.  And she loves Kidsilk Haze!  
Vivienne in Rowan 4-Ply Soft.

2.  Alana Dakos of Never Not Knitting has just taken off with her California influenced knits from Coastal Knits and now Botanical Knits.  I met her at Stitches West last year, adorable!  I love her little knitted details.
Wildflower Cardigan in Rowan 4-Ply Soft designed by Alana Dakos.

3.  Jared Flood of Brooklyn Tweed, a favorite American designer of classic tweedy up-to-date styles now has his own beautiful yarn line.  His blog is just beautiful!
Seneca designed by Brooklyn Tweed.
 4.  Veera Valimaki, Finnish Designer of Rain Knitwear, unique and fun construction, beautiful garments!  Her patterns are extremely popular.  I don't know how she thinks up her designs, then can actually make it up into a written pattern.  How is this done??!!
Color Affection by Veera Valimaki.  Crazy popular, almost 8,000 of this design made!

5.  Cecily Glowik MacDonald of Winged Knits always has the most beautiful and simple sweater designs.  I'm a big fan!  She is in my queue more often than anyone else.
Genevieve in Quince and Co. Chickadee by Cecily Glowik MacDonald.

 6.  Thea Colman of Baby Cocktails loves cables and writes her patterns in a way that will get you to make a custom fit!  Funny lady and funny blog.  She creates a cocktail for each new pattern she publishes proving that it's possible to knit and drink at the same time.
Naragansett by Baby Cocktails made from Rowan All Seasons Cotton.

7.  Hannah Fettig of Knitbot, is always coming up with something I love.  She designed one of my all time favorites, Water's Edge and is responsible for half the designs in the popular Coastal Knits book.
Water's Edge in Rowan Aura designed by Hannah Fettig.

8.  Heidi Kirrmaier, aka Pipibird, always fun and unique construction, very wearable garments!  I'm a big fan! 
Tea with Jam and Bread by Heidi Kirrmaier using Shelter yarn.

9.  Ysolda Teague, absolutely adorable young Scottish designer who creates garments with genius construction.  Often you have no idea what she has you doing, then all of a sudden, it turns into a beautiful shawl!  Like magic!  I met her at Stitches West, what a doll!
Snow White by Ysolda Teague in Malabrigo Worsted.

10.  I know, how can I not put Elizabeth Zimmerman at the top of my list!  All-time best knitting guru, perfect in all ways, we probably would not all be knitting if not for her inspiration.  But here's the truth:  I have not knit anything designed by her except one tiny little baby cardi.  However, I'm certain the designers above have most likely been richly influenced by her.
Baby Sweater on Two Needles, by EZ in Rowan Handknit Cotton.

Oh dear, there are so many more lovely designers, I'm sorry I don't have room to add more.

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  1. Good Morning Kristen, Firstly let me say how beautifully you model the jumpers....and secondly what beautiful designs.
    My favourite is the Veera Valimaki wrap, the increase and decreasing of the knitting is really interesting.
    I also love the Alana Dakos cardigan, the detailing on the cuffs and pockets is just gorgeous.
    Glad you enjoyed Downton Abbey last night, we are waiting for the next series here in England.
    Have a lovely, sunny day,
    Best Wishes

  2. You know I'm a big KH fan - I absolutely agree with you: her designs I've knit have always been my most wearable garments.

    Love this series!

  3. Naragansett is my favorite. What a gorgeous piece. You look lovely in all that you knit. You are quite an inspiration to us. I am just getting back to knitting again after 30 years. Baby steps again. Love this series you are doing this month.

  4. So honored to be included in your list! Your knits are always beautiful, and you look amazing in them! :)

  5. Tea with jam and bread and that Vivienne with the little button details are my favorite. This is all good info for me since I am learning to knit. Thanks for the links!
    The color affection shawl is one of the first patterns I want to try after I practice on scarves and dishcloths for a while. Your pretty sweaters are an inspiration!

  6. Funny, how some of your fave designers are also mine!!!

  7. many of your favorites are also mine (kim hargreaves is the notable exception because...of course...I hate to sew!) you do every one of these designers proud. lovely knits all around!

  8. I love them all and you have knit them beautifully! So classic and feminine! I'm a firm believer that less is more when it comes to fashion and these are all very tastefully done! Looking forward to tomorrow's top ten list and the next episode of Downton Abby. That show is so good!

  9. What a wonderful post! I love how you include photos of all the sweaters.

  10. Kristen, your knits are fabulous! some of your fave designers are mine as well.


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