Shaelyn Shawl and 4th Sunday

January 22, 2012

Shaelyn Shawl by Sheila Raabe
I have some pictures to share of a shawl I finished and gave to mother for Christmas, finally got some pictures today.  This is my second Shaelyn, and mother loved mine so much she requested one in black.

For this I used one strand of Cascade 220 and one strand of Luna, a thin strand of mohair/silk/gold metallic similar to Kidsilk Night.
The combination made a nicely warm and fluffy shawl with a bit of sparkle that the photos don't show.  This is a super easy lace repeat and an A-plus pattern.
I really don't have white hair and ugly floors, I had to mess with the controls to get the lace to show.
Today was 4th Sunday which is my Sunday of the month to do food for fellowship after the last Sunday service.  It's at lunch time and we try to have little sandwiches, deviled eggs, cookies, just little finger foods served up with lots of coffee.  I find so many recipes on the web that I want to try, but since we don't eat many baked goods at home I usually end of trying these recipes for my 4th Sunday.

Today, besides little sandwiches, fruit and veggies, cheese and crackers, you know, the regular stuff, I made 3 new-to-me recipes.  They were all big hits and found them right here on the web.

First off was Crock Pot Meatballs, maybe that's not new, but since I've never done it I assume some others have not either.  This starts with a jar of jam, any flavor, but don't waste any homemade jam for this recipe, a bottle of bar-be-que sauce and 1/4 cup of prepared mustard.  Mix it in the crock pot and add a bag of pre-made pre-cooked frozen meatballs.  Stir and turn on high for 5 hours.  They were gone in minutes and I doubled the recipe.

The next treat has the unlikely name of Cracker Toffee.  Now friends, I make real toffee twice a year, Thanksgiving and Christmas and don't feel we need it the rest of the year, even though we WANT it.  This recipe has intrigued me as everyone in blogland is always saying how fab it is and oh-so-easy.  Well, it was another hit.  Gone in minutes and so easy, I will make it again, but does not take the place of real toffee no way.  I used this recipe from the Girl Who Ate Everything.  Try it, you will be amazed.  I didn't use saltines, but some butter crackers I had.

This recipe for Lemon Sugar Cookies from Two Peas and Their Pod is via A Friend to Knit With who bakes a batch of cookies a week and shares her findings with us.  California is lemon country and we love puttin' lemon in just about everything.  Another big hit at church, so this 4th Sunday for me was 3 new recipes and 3 big hits.

Lots of football and knitting on the menu today!  Next post I'll share my wip's, I have a few!

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  1. I wish I had some of those lemon cookies right now! Even though I ate some butterscotch cookies this afternoon!

    Shawl looks lovely! I'm really surprised to read that you did it with Cascade 220. I always do shawls with lace weight yarn; needless to say, they take forever!

    1. Thank you Gail. I have made a few shawls in worsted weight, it makes them larger and warmer!

  2. What a good idea to mix 220 with something like Kidsilk Haze. Hmmm, have to think about the possibilities there!

  3. Your mom's Shaelyn came out gorgeous!!! It looks really cute with your outfit too :) I'm intrigued with your meatball recipe and might make a modified version for dinner tonight! In fact all the goodies look wonderful :)

  4. It's really lovelly shawl. I was made my first, and I'm looking for some different things.
    Good job!


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