free give-away!

March 15, 2010

For the last 5 years I have worked at a little shop that sells beautiful linens for bed, table and bath. Before I came onto the scene, the discontinued fabric samples were, hold on, THROWN OUT! I know! Of course that has all changed now. Every thing that can be mended or re-purposed comes home with me and waits patiently in my little home studio before it becomes something else. With acres of fabric samples collected, I've made dolly clothes galore, (but I knit for them too, and they now have way too many garments between them), made lapfuls of napkins and place mats, oodles of hand towels, have cut towers of squares for soon-to-be quilts and still have baskets and boxes of fabrics leftover.

When I took home a bag of 6"x20" strips, I had no idea what would become of them. But their pedigree was too fine to ignore, most are Italian silks and cottons and wools. At the same time my Kindle was needing some protection, and with necessity being the mother of invention and all, I made a simple, really simple, Kindle case. Since the edges were serged already, it took me only a few minutes to zig-zag up the two sides and voila, it was done. And I just loved the way it turned out. (Mine is the herringbone/checked one.) Then I made a few more, then a few more, and one hour later I had 24.

So they are offered up to you. They fit the 5.5"x8" Kindle perfectly and snugly and they're free! Just comment here and I'll contact you for your address. Please don't be shy. I really do have 24 and I only own one Kindle.
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  1. Kristen, I'm not at all surprised to learn that you sew as beautifully as you knit. I would love to have a kindle holder made by you.... but alas I don't use a kindle or cell phone or even cable tv - LOL My sister refers to me as a technophobe :)

  2. Our mutual friend Vy told me about this generous giveaway. I would love one of your gorgeous Kindle cases! I love that they are re-purposed from fabric that would otherwise have been discarded.

  3. Kristin,
    You are amazing! I would LOVE one (but only if you'll sign and date it!! Thank you for your generousity! Is there anything you can't do!?!

  4. Kristen please save me three kindle cases for Karen Smith & Sue Michael and my other friend. I don't have a Kindle but my friends would love to have one of your home made cases. Your so clever!!!!!

  5. I would love one if you have any left to poor kindle is looking rather needs some protection. LOL! Aunty Ruth was kind enough to forward your blog, which I love. Have you ever thought about quilting? All those remnants would/could be repurposed beautifully that way as well. That's another one of those crafty things I swore I was going to learn over the winter, but didn't. Maybe next winter I will be more organized?!?!?!

  6. Thank you so much, Kristen! I received mine last Thursday afternoon - and have already begun using it. I love it!

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hi!!

    Thank you for the generous offer. I would love a kindle case. I'm never without my kindle!
    Kate Golden

  9. Katharine, I would love to send you one, but need your address.


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