Friend to Friend

January 20, 2024


Hello and happy weekend to you! I made this shrug a month or two ago and I LOVE it! It's the best shrug ever. Since we keep our heater on low, I find myself popping it on when I'm a little cold and a sweater is just not enough. It's perfect to wear in a restaurant where it's almost always too chilly for me. I also love that it goes under my new coat beautifully. It's a snap to make and uses budget friendly yarn! I'm going to make more!

The yarn, Hue and Me is so nice. I have put it in the washer and dryer and it came out perfectly, no pilling or rattiness, and it's so soft!  And so many pretty colors-I'm looking at Harbor, Desert, Terra, and Smoke. They sell it at my local Joanne's but they are so often out of colors it was just easier for me to order from Amazon. The pattern is friend to friend, designed by the adorable Leslie Friend. She makes a podcast that I love and I always admire her knits and the pleasant way she presents herself on camera. 

I have many projects to post about and I'm hoping in these next few weeks I'll start rolling them out. I love having this connection with other knitters and creators and want to thank you so much for opening up my email or popping onto my website. I've got knitting content to come, but I'm also in the middle of my "spring" cleaning, plus a craft I'm working on, a party I'm planning for February, and I can't forget the roses that need to be pruned. I usually write posts about these things and hoping these topics interest you. We've got a rainy weekend ahead, but in California it's hard to find anyone who'll complain about rain, so I won't either! I actually love it.

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  1. Your shrug is so nice. I almost always put your projects into my queue and this one is going to the top! I also get cold in most restaurants, especially in the summer when the AC is on. I wonder if this could be made in cotton without the collar removed? Just to keep the shoulders warm? I can't wait to hear about the party you are planning!

    1. I love your idea of making a summer shrug in cotton. I'll be on the lookout for a bulky cotton that makes gauge! Thank you for your comment.

  2. I like the idea of your shrug. It will keep my neck warm and stay put while I dine or go shopping and not slip off my shoulders as a scarf does .It would keep my neck and shoulders warm .Looks very good on you.

    1. Yes! It stays put, even when you're moving around. I've worn it doing housework and cooking. Thank you for your comment.

  3. Leslie recommends that specific yrn because it is lightweight for a bulky. I love it, too. Love Your podcast choices but there are so many otM ehers. mostly Knitting, The Knitty Stew and Pairs Well with Knitting come to Mind. C

    1. I just looked at the content and it's only 20% wool and the rest is acrylic, so perhaps using it in a summery color with no funnel neck would be good for summer? You recommended Danish Musings to me and I adore her to bits. I can't wait until she drops a new one! I will look at the other recommendations and really appreciate it. I'm fussy in what I watch and I think you are too!

  4. One more try…happy you like her, Kristen. It’s Mostly Kniting with a capital M in case that was not clear before. Chloe

  5. Love the Shrug! Enjoy the Podcasts you mentioned as well as other Podcasts, Wool and Wine, The Knitty Kats, Knit Together with Kim and Jonna, and Knits n Pieces


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