a new sweater and what I'm reading, watching and eating, my favorites

June 09, 2023

We all love to knit, read, watch and eat, and this post is chock full of all my most recent favorites of all of those! First up is the knitting. My newest summer knit is a beautiful deep V neck pullover knit in a watery blue/green cotton. Oversized is always tricky for me, but this one works because the hip is defined and the blousy sleeves taper to a snug fit at the wrist, both with an exaggerated ribbing that is knit through the back loop to give it a firm and polished look and feel.

The pattern is knit top down then the stitches are picked up around the neck to finish the V.  My yarn is the great and the fabulous Rowan Handknit Cotton in color Sea Foam. If I don't knit at least one sweater every summer in this wonderful yarn I'd be pretty sad. I always say this but it's worth saying again, this yarn is easy to knit, soft to wear, comes in gorgeous colors and neutrals, and goes in the washer (in a mesh bag on gentle setting) and dryer too (on gentle heat), although I take it out when still slightly damp and let it finish drying flat. The pattern is simple and easy to follow and easily customized for fit. I made the XS but made a few changes for fit and do remember making the V a little bit wider to bring it in off the shoulders.

Basic V by Minimi Knit Design


While the color isn't correct in this photo you can still see a close up of the single ribbing that is knit through the back loop.

I've been bursting to share some of my most recent favorites and loves so let's go!

To read:

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, 2022, follows the storyline of David Copperfield but takes place in 1970s Appalachia. If you ever wondered why that region was so hard hit with opioid addiction, well, you'll find out in this book. My favorite book in years and I just heard it just won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

Molika'i by Alan Brennert, 2003

The Girl With Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee, 2019

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, 2016 I just reread this because I heard it's coming out as a miniseries on Showtime starring Ewan McGregor. Goodie! Loved reading the second time, it's that good.

Empire of the Summer Moon by SC Gwynne, 2016

Horse by Geraldine Brooks, 2022

I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy, 2022. I had no idea who this young actress was but I was enthralled by her story.

To watch:

Ted Lasso, Apple. We just watched the last episode of the final season. This is the best series ever. I got Apple just to watch this `and I'm so glad. Jason Sudakis is a genius. He created this series, acts in it and has his hand in writing and directing.

A Small Light, National Geographic. A beautiful story about Anne Frank, focusing on their helpers.

Growing Floret, Max. Gorgeous and inspirational.

Pamela, A Love Story, Netflix. I was surprised how much I liked and admired her.

Emily in Paris, Netflix, but you're already watching this, right?

Fruity Knitting, YouTube. As much as I love knitting, I don't watch many knitting shows. This is the exception. Fabulous content professionally produced.

These next two are creepy good.

You, Netflix

The Last of Us, Max

And if you like to snoop around people's homes as much as I do: 

Where We Call Home, Max. Watch this next, the homeowners are so clever.

Homeworthy, Quintesssence, Architectural Digest, all on YouTube

Suzie Anderson Home, YouTube. Please be careful while watching. You may be tempted to blow up your house.

To cook:

Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta

Rustic Jam Shortbread Tart My new go-to pot luck dessert. After I post this I'm going to make two to take to a pot luck tonight.

To celebrate:

Our 50th wedding anniversary! We went to San Francisco and stayed at a friend's gorgeous roomy holiday apartment across the street from the Ferry Building. All weekend we kept saying we can't believe we've been married for fifty years! It's such a long time, isn't it, but somehow it doesn't feel all that long to either of us. For these fifty years I've been married to the nicest guy I know and I'm very lucky.

We had dinner at Boulevard and enjoyed this view from our table.

The view from our friend's apartment.


Now it's your turn. Please tell me what you're reading, watching, knitting and cooking! I need recommendations!

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  1. Congratulations on your 50th! We celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2021 and I know exactly what you mean--it just doesn't seem possible! Our kids got together and we had a weekend with them, it was wonderful. I have a Mary Engelbreit piece that has an older woman looking in the mirror and seeing her younger self, with the saying, "We are always the same age inside", a quote from Gertrude Stein. Joe and I still feel like we are the same kids who got married what seems like not so long ago! Many more happy anniversaries!

    1. Thank you very much! I remember when my grandparents had their 50th wedding anniversary. They had a big party on the ranch house patio of their chicken ranch. My father and his 2 brothers sang, "I Want A Girl, Just Like the Girl That Married Good Old Dad", in Barbershop style, because my Papa sang in a Barbershop quartet. We had such fun with our huge Scandinavian family, but I distinctly remember thinking that my grandparents were so very old, but I now know that they were younger than I am now! They married as teens, we did not! I think we'll be celebrating this big one all year. We went on a trip to Turkey and Greece in early spring to celebrate, then this SF overnight on our actual day, then in early fall our kids are taking us to Monterey for golf for the guys and shopping for the girls. Congratulations to you two. It's something to proud of and we can all pat ourselves on the back!

  2. Oops, forgot to tell you what I am knitting. I just got the yarn together for a Paul Klee sweater (yours is beautiful, by the way), and I am currently doing Stacked Boxes by Kaffe Fassett from the Fall Vogue Knitting. I should call them my Artists' Series!

    1. I looked up Stacked Boxes, classic Kaffe and gorgeous! But all that intarsia, oh my! My hat is off to you!

  3. Wishing you and yours many more years f love,happiness and blessings. Happy 50th Anniversary.. I am reading "An Unquiet Soul" "The Life Of Charlotte Bronte" BY Margot Peters and a young adult mystery "A Felicity Mystery" "Lady Margaret's Ghost" by Elizabeth McDavid Jones.

    1. Thank you so much, and thank you also for the book recs. I put them on my list!

  4. Oh my gosh, I loved A Gentleman in Moscow so much! I was just thinking of re-reading it…now you’ve talked me into it. I’m working on the Savasana sweater, but my knitting g has gotten bogged down, No fault of the pattern! my energy was sapped by a couple colds in a row and then a bout of shingles (on my face!) On the mend now, though, finally🤧

    1. I know! When I heard it was going to be a miniseries I swooned! I loved it the second time just as much as the first. Looked up Savasana and it's just the kind of sweater I love. Glad you are on the mend, but shingles on the face, or anywhere really, could not have been fun.

  5. So much to respond to! Love knitting through the back loop. It also feels more feminine to me. Love Gentleman from Moscow too and couldn’t understand why a movie with Tom Hanks wasn’t out by now. I think Ewan McGregor will be great but my favorite would have been Gregory Peck (not available for obvious reasons.). Am reading The Lincoln Highway now. Totally different but quite entertaining. Also love Barbara Kingsolver but not drawn to her more science-centered books but you are the second person in a week who had recommended Demon Copperhead so I will give it a try. Tend to go for light-ish humorous fiction so Lessons in Chemistry is on my list. With reservations. Have a few things on my needles, all summery. Struggling with gauge on Noncho so it may be stalled for awhile. Tried on a sample and it was perfect and very flattering even though I am quite short. I think I would live in it if I ever finish it. Oh, for some delightful light reading John Grisham’s Playing for Pizza - about a football team in Parma, Italy - is a little gem. Someone had left it on an airport seat and I got the benefit! Chloe

    1. When I heard Ewan McGregor was going to play the role, I thought, how perfect. But some to think of it, Peck and Hanks would also have been awesome! Love GP in to Kill a Mockingbird. I watch that every few years and listen to the audio book occasionally too. Yep, loved The Lincoln Highway and Lessons in Chemistry and I hear they are making a movie of that, and should also make one of the former too. OK, so you won't believe this coincidence. Years ago my SIL gave me a slim book to read, Playing for Pizza. He found it in a hotel room and read it and passed it on to me. Funny how things go!

  6. Oh, I knew I forgot something. Fruity Knitting. Charming and helpful and so professional. Still the best of the best although there are many good ones these days. Chloe

    1. What other ones do you watch? The only other one I regularly watch is A Friend to Knit With. I love her style and her episodes are short! I can't get into the Grocery Girls or anyone else even though I know they are very popular.

  7. The Gentleman IN Moscow. A subtle difference! Chloe

  8. I'm knitting the Sunshine Coast sweater with Zooey yarn in the Emerald colorway while I listen to A Woman of No Importance by Sonia Purnell as it was recommended by my sister. Happy that you've celebrated 50 yrs of togetherness!

    1. Thank you so much for your recommendation. I borrowed it and it looks fascinating. Just the kind of book I like! I'm finishing Klara and the Sun (love it) and then I have one more book, then will read this. Excited always for book recommendations!

  9. Forgot to say Congratulations! Have a great year! And one more Book - Killers of the Flower Moon - not my usual fare but riveting. Being made into a movie by Martin Scorsese. Chloe

    1. Thank you! Fifty years is a long time except when you are living it, then it seems like no time at all! Thank you for the book rec!!! I've got it on hold, should be 4 weeks they say. I think it looks fascinating and can't wait!

  10. Kristen, my Comment describing the nature of some of my favorite podcasts got whisked away so I will be brief: Danish Musings (amazing knits and thoughtful musings), Knitting Traditions (Norwegian Doctor), Hundred Acre Wool (has pattern in Laine), Ruth Loves to Knit (loves color), Woolly Worker (young, very analytical about patterns-in a good way). So many others. Will mention more as time goes on. I love to knit with them all! Your mileage may vary:). Chloe

    1. Wanted to mention that I am loving Danish Musings so much!!! Checking the others out soon.

  11. Kristen, ended up here again researching whether I had already said something and saw that you found Danish Musings and loved it. Yay! And if you love New York as I do you will love her 2-part New York travelogue. She captures the city beautifully and and you even meet her teenage daughter and her partner. Happy viewing! chloe


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