My Leprechaun Green Sweater

March 16, 2023


I've never had a sweater to wear on St. Patricks Day, until now! I'd just like to see a Leprechaun try and pinch me wearing this much green! I finished this ages ago and worn it to bits at Christmastime with my mother's Swarovski Christmas tree brooch firmly attached to one shoulder. I got pretty sick of it but now it's time to pull it out again. This is the Daily Pullover from Purl Soho, another one of those simple pullovers that I love to knit and wear. 

The pattern is lovely, knit top down and easily customizable. It has optional short rows at the back neck which I added and if short rows are not in the pattern, I will add them anyway. I love to have the sweater's back neck up a little higher for warmth. I used the pattern's recommended yarn, Linen Quill and while I do like it, it's just the very tiniest bit itchy on me. I have given it a good soak, twice now, and I think what I'm feeling is guard hairs or maybe something pokey from the linen? I don't know, but I probably won't be able to use it again for that reason. Too bad because the colors are gorgeous. As an aside, many people can wear this with no itch, so this is just my sensitive skin reacting and I'm sad.

The color is something that is totally out of my regular neutral color book but I'm so glad I have it. It's bright and cheery and just very fun to wear. I don't know if it's called emerald or clover or grass or what, it's simply bright and pretty and I'm happy with it. It is knit top down and I made the smallest size and did not cast on extra stitches at the sleeve/body separation. I made rolled edges instead of ribbing (love that look) and could have used only 2 skeins if I hadn't made it so long. I might remove an inch or two as it is. Because of the long length I broke into the third skein and used just a tiny bit.

Below is something else that's green so I thought I'd share it. I've been looking for a woven bag for summer and found this on a blog I read. It comes in two dozen colors and I chose this lima bean color called Bean because I thought it was somewhat neutral without being beige or gray.  It's more of a tote size at 16" x 8" x 12" and comes with a matching envelope bag and is only $69! I thought that was great because this will be my everyday summer bag and can hold my knitting plus it's lightweight and easy to wear. See the Woven Tote here.

I've been seeing these slippers on feet all over town and they look so comfy. I found mine on Amazon for only $20 and they come in 20 colors. I bought the beige and I love them. I have them on now and can't believe how comfortable they are.  Shop for Cloud Slippers here. They also have them in children's sizes and next time my grandson is here I'll have him pick out a color and we'll keep them here for garden/pool shoes. We make him put on shoes when he goes outside and these will be so easy for him to slip on and off.

I finished my Paul Klee and wore it today. I adore it and can't wait to post it here. I just need to get pictures. Ugh, not my favorite thing to do. Until then, take care. xo Kristen

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  1. Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, Kristin. I think you will get a lot of wear out of that sweater over the years. A classic style and so fun. Thank you for the shoe tip. Great to have for houses with a no-shoe policy. They might be my house-slipper substitute. Chloe

    1. Top o' the mornin' to ya too! I'm going to have to steal that and use that all day, lol! I see people wear those shoes around town, with or without socks! It's like comfy sweats for the feet.

  2. Top O the mornin' to you both!! That green is a really pretty color on you. Joyous!

  3. Gorgeous green on you. Love this style, so handy for all occasions!


  4. Great sweater. How about Shamrock Green?

  5. :) :) :). P.S. That sweater has the perfect vee-neck and I bought the Cloud Slippers. May buy another pair if the size and comfort level are right.

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