YPS Cardigan

February 17, 2023

As promised I have a new cardigan pattern to share that I tested for German designer, Imke Von Nathusius. The shaped garter yoke, especially on the back, is what makes this sweater unique and beautiful. The clever construction used to create the V shape makes for a very fun knitting experience. I'll admit that there are a few times when I scratched my head and did not know how this pile of knitting will ever turn into a sweater with arms and neck and all the essentials. But I trusted the pattern, plunged ahead and kept knitting away. After a while, like magic, a lightbulb lit in my head and I saw how it would come together. It reminded me in a way of knitting the Baby Surprise Sweater if you've ever knit that one! 

The color is captured best in this photo.

Please don't think this is a difficult knit because it's not; the pattern is very clear and easy to follow--it's just that it has an unusual construction which makes it a fun knit. I used Brooklyn Tweed Tones and I liked it. It is USA made from start to finish and easy to work, with a firm and easy hand. It is a moderately soft yarn at 24 microns. A micron is a measurement used to measure the diameter of wool fiber. The lower the micron count, the softer the fiber. Very fine cashmere is around 15 for an example.

As hand knitters, we are privy to some of the finest wool available. At one time, only the expensive design houses, the likes of Chanel and Gucci, got the best wool, but now, with hand knitting being so popular, and ranchers now breeding sheep with softer wool, the available hand knitting yarn just keeps getting nicer and nicer. Merino sheep famously have some of the softest wool, but even Merino has a wide micron range and some Merinos are much softer than others. We all just have to shop wisely and know what we're buying. I love that Brooklyn Tweed is so transparent about their yarn. They tell you where the sheep are raised, then where the wool is carded, spun and dyed. It's nice to be an informed consumer!

Shopping Links
At this posting, all her patterns are 33% off with code HELAU. I don't know when the offer expires.

At this point the sweater starts to come together and you get an idea of your FO. Here I have finished the fronts and front of the sleeves. The next step was to knit the back and the back of the sleeves. The sleeves are then seamed across the top with a three needle bind off. Finally, the button band is picked up all around and knit. The pattern includes good schematics to see what direction your knitting is going.

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  1. Kristen, this sweater is Super Cool! And flattering! Growing up, my mother kept talking about construction, construction. But at that point she never knit more than afghans so I didn’t see what she meant. This is a perfect example. I thought of Baby Surprise as well. Chloe

    1. Hi Chloe. I'm just reading this and thank you! I think I'm going to wear this today! I'm going to my knitting group--a new group that meets once a week at my club, and I am trying to wear a new sweater each time as a show and tell. Many of the girls are new knitters and it's so nice to see younger people get addicted! lol!

  2. I LOVE Tones yarn. I've made 3 pullovers with it, and wear them frequently. What I like best is that it holds its shape well, and keeps me the right temperature in our SoCal weather. It's warm and insulating due to it's woolen spun nature, but is not uncomfortable when the weather is warmer. It breathes very well. Brooklyn Tweed is my favorite yarn co.; I've made garments with all but 2 of their yarns, and developed appreciation for woolen spun yarns.

    1. I'm with you! I'm a huge fan of Brooklyn Tweed. They just came out with a new yarn Re-ply. I don't think I'm going to try it because I do have some stash I'd like to knit up before I purchase something else. Hope your weather in So Cal has been ok. My daughter lives in Simi Valley and she has been telling me about the crazy weather. It's been crazy here too in the SF Bay Area with terrific winds and rain and snow! Crazy California.


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