
October 28, 2020

Here's my handsome little dude wearing his new grandpa cardigan. Hasn't the time just flown? It seems like just a few months ago when a size 1 year sweater was enormous on him. Now he outgrows sweaters so fast I can hardly keep up with all the knitting. Just kidding, of course I can keep up. 😊

Pattern: Carter's grandpa cardigan is Hercule by Lisa Chemery of Frogginette designs. It is knit in worsted weight yarn and comes in sizes 3 mos. to 10 years. I knit a size six for my very big 3 year old grandson and it should last him the entire season. When choosing a size for children, look at the schematics and choose chest size rather than age. Hercule can be made with or without pockets, but I should tell you that Carter was thrilled when he discovered the pockets. When he came over yesterday he was wearing it and had his favorite tiny pterodactyl tucked safely inside his chest pocket. Some new techniques for me were learning a very neat and tidy buttonhole and a trim little chest pocket. The sweater is knit top down in once piece. The pockets, shawl collar and button bands are finished at the end. The pattern is well written and easy to follow and creates a lovely classic.

Yarn: For my sweater I used Malabrigo Rios which is a very soft superwash worsted weight 100% wool. Warning--it comes out of the bath very, very limp which is unfortunately common with too many superwash yarns. There was no way this would be patted into shape and it had to go in the dryer to regain some body. After a time in a warm, not hot, dryer, and when it became lightly damp, I could finally pat it into shape and leave it to finish drying flat. I do love that superwash yarns are so soft and can go in washer AND dryer--both qualities are nice if you're knitting for a little one, but the superwash process usually kills all the natural bouncy and springy characteristics of wool that I love so much; and so continues my love/hate relationship with superwash. (With that said, I've knit with this many times and have more Rios in my stash!)

Below Carter is playing with one of the many incarnations of fairy forts we have built since spring. Sometimes dinosaurs live in these forts so technically they are not always built strictly for fairies. This latest one however was constructed to be most appealing to fairies. We used apple tree thinnings and flowers which I told Carter the fairies were sure to love. Two days later it was smashed, possibly trampled on by gardeners (although I hate to throw them under the bus), or maybe naughty fairies, a running dog, or a grandpa? Papa pleaded not guilty, although he admits to accidentally stepping on at least one fairy fort in the past. We decided to dismantle it and build a fairy tee pee instead. Next to it is a rose tree stump that we use as a fairy picnic table. Carter collected acorn caps while on a walk with mommy and daddy, painted them at home, then brought them over to set a table with his fairy bowls. Next day they too were scattered about. Carter was mighty astonished to imagine that the fairies who visit our night garden might be a little naughty. We have a lot of fun talking about what they must have been up to while we were asleep--a little bit of dancing, a little bit of mischief. This age is so dang cute.

Malabrigo Rios I used Blue Jeans

As an aside, since pattern was named for Hercule Poirot, I have two mystery books to recommend that are along the line of Agatha Christie. I've just finished The Guest List by Lucy Foley and really enjoyed it. Last night I started  Goodnight Beautiful by Aimee Molloy and it looks really promising. Dying for book recommendations. Have any???

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  1. Your grand son is darling and looks so happy in his new sweater. I too love to knit and read and have two recommendations that are a bit on the mystery side. The Book of essie and The Other Mrs. I enjoyed both. I’m also a fan of biographies. Have you read The Splendid and the Vile about Winston Churchill? Recommended! Hoping you and your family continue to be well.

    1. Thank you! Can you believe I have read all of your book selections? We are of like minds!

  2. He is getting bigger and sweeter. from Victoria from Australia.

    1. Thank you! He's having a nap on papa's lap right now and they both look adorable!

  3. Looks like that pattern was designed for him, lovely colour and an adorable lad.

  4. Carter keeps getting cuter - if that's even possible. Unfortunately, I forget books, these are days, as soon as I've finished them. But was also recommended "the Splendid and the Vile" by Larson. Loved his "Dead Wake" which almost reads like fiction (but meticulously researched). Am currently reading Kitchen Yarns by Ann Hood, a charming short memoir, filled with nostalgic, old-fashioned recipes which are refreshingly uncomplicated. I love memoirs. Chloe

  5. Kristin, just read The Guest List review and. It looks like my kind,of book. Thank you for recommending it!

  6. The sweater is cute but your grandson is just adorable.

  7. Enjoyed receiving your knitting and garden up date this morning! I recommend the Guest Book, by Sarah Blake, or The Giver of Stars, by Jojo Moyes. Both nystery-ish in that the ending is not entirely clear until you get there. The Guest List is on my list! Glad to know you enjoyed it.

    1. Thank you for the book recommendations. I have read Giver of Stars and have Guest Book on my library wish list. I’m happy to know you liked it. I need a good book. Kristen

  8. Gawd! Could that kid be cuter?! Darling sweater, too❤️

  9. Totally dorbs, both the boy and the sweater! Have you read the Maisie Dobbs books, definitely of the "cozy mystery" genre. They get better and better as you go through the series, and the author just wrote a memoir about growing up in post-War Britain that sounds good. Thanks for doing the blog, really enjoy it!

    1. Thank you and thank you for the book recommendations! Heading over right now to my library app to see what they have. Best, Kristen

  10. What a handsome boy your grandson is! And the sweater is adorable, so cute on the little one. I love Hercule Poirot mysteries, so the name of the pattern also adds to the whole delight that reading your post has brought to me, thank you for your cozy and beautiful blog!

    1. Thank you so much. Your comment has lifted my spirits. Kristen

  11. The sweater is lovely and looks great on your "little man". I recommend the novel THE VANISHING HALF. It is not a mystery per se, but beautifully written and intriguing.

    1. It was already on my list! Thanks for confirming! Kristen


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