what to knit on Super Bowl Sunday--the contenders

February 01, 2020

While everyone else is trying to figure out what they'll be eating on Super Bowl Sunday, you and I are trying to figure out what we'll be KNITTING on that long noisy day of TV watching. Here are my contenders:

I'm making a snow white summer sweater out of the velvety Rowan Summerlite 4 ply cotton and it needs just a little bit of a contrast color at the cuffs, collar and hem. Below are my contrast color choices from my collection of fingering weight cottons, but who am I kidding, I'll probably choose beige. (This is actually not a contender as it is a test knit and I don't even have the pattern yet!)

Below is also from my stash, a lovely DK weight from Rowan that I will knit Le Marche des Artistes, a new pattern from Stella Egidi. This is not really a contender as I haven't actually started it yet and I don't think I will for a while, but I wanted to show it to you!

Below is Poet by Sari Nordland using some gorgeous Biches and Buches Le Petite Lambswool. The entire sweater is covered in the most beautiful lace pattern. It's a project I pick up when it's quiet and I have time to concentrate and can simply enjoy the process of knitting. It's definitely an "alone" project so not a contender for noisy Super Bowl Sunday.

Definitely a possibility below. Ground Pepper from Suvi Sumoli is knit in Leading Men's set of 5 graduated silver speckles. I bought this kit three years ago at Stitches West and it's high time I finish it. I'm just knitting down in the round fading the speckle set as I go. A contender for sure.

I  jumped on the bandwagon of Kaffe's new striped shawl. No pattern in hand, just taking my own stab at it using my stash of Felted Tweed with some purchased brights. This is knit entirely in garter stitch so this will be my project to knit in the dark when we go to the movies or my project to knit whenever I want a burst of happy color in my life. This will be an enormous shawl or a happy picnic blanket. I adore knitting garter with Felted Tweed. I imagine it will take years to make. No hurry. And guess what? I don't think I have enough yarn!

I have a feeling that Neve below will be the Super Bowl winner. I might finish the body tonight and tomorrow tackle the sleeves. I think I can finish it this weekend! This is Andrea Mowry's newest pattern. Her's is faded with long sleeves, reverse stockinette and nupps in wool. Mine is solid color, shorter sleeves, stockinette with small bobbles in cotton. It's a happy and pleasant knit, and the yarn, Rowan Summerlite DK is like holding velvet in your hands. 

As for our Super Bowl Sunday food, we are having an unconventional (but husband approved) buffet of spiced nuts, avocado, shrimp and cucumber salad, and lettuce wraps with spicy Korean beef. Can you tell we are trying to lose some holiday weight around here? 💪 We are having some guests so I think my husband is going to break down and buy some wings from the deli as a nod to having at least one traditional football food. 

Today is the most adorable wash day ever! Muddy cuffs on every sleeve. Purple paint. White frosting. Grass stains. Dried up crud of something, maybe batter or play doh? It made me laugh to see the remnants of his busy week all over his sweaters. 💗 Super grammy got it all out.

Very soon I'll be starting a monthly series called A Year In The Garden where I'll show you just what's going on month to month in my Northern California garden. I had such high hopes for this series, but then January just got away from me! On to February!

Go Niners!

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