roses in December

December 09, 2015

Today I picked roses and placed them right next to the Christmas decorations. California!  Most of my roses are from David Austin.  We'll be looking to replace a few this up-coming bare-root season.  Are there any David Austins you could not live without?  Please let me know.

Below I have some pictures of my "knitting lounge", which is my son's former bedroom and right next to my sewing room.  There's a TV and sofa and that's where my works-in-progress hang out.  In that room, my little Christmas tree reigns with it's handmade ornaments.  I've written patterns for most and you can find them all here.  Next week I'll post some pictures of the entire house, it looks pretty with it's Christmas finery.

I'm totally under control as far as my Christmas knitting, with most of it mostly done.  In fact, it's so under control I feel giddy with having extra knitting time and have casted on for a baby sweater design I hope to publish in January.  It will be in the popular DK weight and I plan to have two sizes, one year and two year. If it's half as cute in person as it is in my mind, I'll be happy. I'm also planning my January projects which will have plenty of Mohair Haze and lots of Swarovski sparkle and shine!  My friends who have been knitting with the Swarovski say it is beyond fantastic so I cannot wait to join in on the fun.  Hope all is well with you and that you're getting time to enjoy the holidays.  xo, Kristen

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  1. I am sooo jealous of your gorgeous December roses. Merry Christmas

  2. Beautiful roses, aren't we lucky to live here! The handmade Christmas ornaments are great!


  3. Austin's 'Ambridge Rose' is a spectacular performer for me; blooms until we prune in January. I also love 'Evelyn,' 'Abraham Darby' and, OF COURSE, 'Graham Thomas' and 'The Pilgrim." I'm trying two new varieties this winter but cannot remember the names.

  4. It may not go with your garden's color theme, but try to find a spot for Golden Celebration. The fragrance is incredible, as are the blooms.

  5. I have two David Austin roses in my garden which I grow as climbers, the Generous Gardener and the Pilgrim. Both are beautiful. David Austin roses are just gorgeous and you are lucky living where you do that you have them flowering in December. If you're ever in the UK and happen to be near Wolverhampton where their nursery is based you really should visit. I have been a couple of times and it is stunning especially when I visited in June and virtually all the roses were in full bloom. You know that you're getting close when the heady smell of the roses hits you a good few minutes before you arrive and then there are the beautiful gardens to walk around all topped off by a bit of shopping and a cup of tea and cake. Just glorious.

  6. Looking forward to more pictures. As always, a beautiful post.

  7. Lovely! I love the little people and elves, and looking forward to your next design!


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