dad friendly

June 22, 2015

Well, hello!  Knitionary has been a bit quiet this spring and I have missed you all so much!  It's been hectic for me these last few months, with what seemed like a year's worth of activities and deadlines smooshed into two months.  All that is mostly behind me now, and I'm looking forward to a slow paced July and August.  This morning I'm heading off to my knitting group for two lovely hours of knitting and chatting with some very lovely ladies I've know forever.  We started this group years ago when we had school children.  We'd send the kids off to school, play a few sets of tennis, then head to the coffee shop for coffee and knitting.  Now we are all grandmothers, most have given up tennis (I have) and the group has grown to a dozen old friends.  We send out an email Sunday night to see who is coming and today it looks like we have a good group.  So nice, can't wait!  Next, my husband and I are going to see a movie.  He's going to pick it...either Entourage or the new earthquake movie.  We go early afternoon most Mondays and have popcorn and candy for lunch.  I love it!  After that I think we are heading to Costco to stock up.  Now doesn't that sound like the best day ever?

As for this blog, I like to post twice a week.  That seems to be a manageable pace where I can keep my content blog-worthy, at least, that's what I think!  I have some great posts planned, full of knitting, parties and giveaways.  I felt this Father's Day table was a good way to ease myself back into blogging.   I was really happy with the animal theme.  The place mat set is from Belle Banquet.  I have a few sets of these for different seasons and they are sturdy, shiny and gorgeous.  The saffron buffet plates are from Pottery Barn.  I have them in several colors, just fantastic for entertaining: cheap, big and sturdy!  It looks like the saffron is no longer available but they come in many other beautiful colors.  The bee glasses were found at World Market.  We have all three sizes and use them for every day.  The botanist's vases and holder is something I found a while ago in a cute store in my little town.  I hemmed and hawed over buying it, but did, and now it's something I use almost every time I pick flowers.  It fits perfectly on my small table, and a few blossoms make a big show!  Check out this site (sorry, you may have to give them your email address, but they swear they don't share it) for some very fun, similar vases.   I like this one and this round one and this teensy one.  As for food, we had a very dad-friendly menu: salsa and chips, steak and taties, veg and salad, and an ollalieberry crumble for dessert.  The best thing about the table is  not pictured, and that was the lovely people sitting around it, five of my most favorite people in the world.  Yep!

xo Kristen

For the flower lovers, from left, orange nasturtiums, lavendar, magnolia blossoms and a wild yellow lily.


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  1. Looks lovely, and I adore the orange plates!

    1. Thank you Virginia. I just edited my post above to include info about the plates. I love their cheery color!

  2. You always have such a pretty table!


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