Once Upon A Time

April 29, 2015

Once Upon A Time is a new inspirational book by the talented knitwear designer, Marie Wallin.  Take a minute and scroll down to view some of the prettiest sweaters ever designed for young folk.  The book will be for sale Friday, May 1st from her website.  I imagine you'll start finding the book in the shops in the next few months, just in time for back-to-school knitting.  Any one of these sweaters is destined to become a treasured heirloom.  Enjoy!  Links are at the end.

Ingenious use of stripes and cables in Albert, knit in Rowan Felted Tweed.

This young beauty wears Alice, knit in Rowan Cocoon.

Archie is a clean fair isle design knit in Rowan Felted Tweed Aran.
Siena is the girl's jacket version of Archie with crochet trim on the sleeves.

Charlotte, a cabled tunic, is knit in Rowan Felted Tweed Aran.

Cozy Hat and Scarf, one for the boys above, with the girl's version below embroidered with lazy daisies.  Both knit in Rowan Cocoon.

Elise Cowl and Tam below, both knit in the round with Rowan Felted Tweed.

This lovely little girl wears Eva, a classic fair isle pullover knit in Rowan Felted Tweed.

Freddie, simply beautiful in Rowan Felted Tweed.

Feminine and elegant, Grace has oodles of knitted and crocheted texture with Rowan Felted Tweed.

Cute little lacy, cabled swing coat.  Isabel is also knit in Rowan Felted Tweed.

Two beautiful examples of traditional round yoked fairisle sweaters.  Laila above and Isaac below, both knit in Rowan Felted Tweed.

Lucy is perhaps the prettiest in the collection?  What do you think?  Knit in Rowan Felted Tweed.

Lastly, a teddy with his own built in fairisle sweater!  Simply knit in two pieces, then sewn up!

Rowan Cocoon

I've used all the above yarns and can vouch that they are fantastic.  Felted Tweed seems to be on everyone's list of favorite yarns.  It's very easy to knit and easy to achieve even stitches.  If you haven't tried it yet, give yourself a treat and find out why it's so popular.  Designers like it so much because of the extensive color range and because it showcases lace, cables and colorwork so beautifully, but also makes a fantastic stockinette fabric. This fall I'll be knitting a long car coat with the Felted Tweed Aran, and I have some yellow Felted Tweed DK to make some sort of cardigan.  But right now it's mostly summer knitting here at Knitionary.  What are you up to, knitting wise?  And how many of you are going to buy this book for some fab fall knitting?


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  1. I love them all, but Eva took my breath away ; )
    Beautiful models too

  2. Its too beautiful for words!! I wonder how large the size for a 10yr old is....could knit it for an adult with a small frame? And I already have ideas whose little urns to knit for...this is one time I wish I am an octopus, knitting four garments in one go. ;)

  3. Beautiful sweaters, beautiful children. Charlotte is my favorite.


  4. You mentioned Lucy being the prettiest just so you could read someone saying "I Love Lucy", right? (Don't mind me, I'm still awake at 10 p.m. after only 4 hours of sleep last night, so I'm not responsible for anything that enters my head.) I do love the silhouette of Lucy but I like the colors of Eva better -- but of course with knitting I can have both! I will have to keep these pint-sized beauties in mind in case I ever dive into fair isle. Less daunting than an adult size sweater. Chloe

  5. I think I got a little carried away there. Like I said, only four hours of sleep...Chloe


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