spring bunting

April 14, 2014


OK, so admittedly I got a little carried away with my spring bunting!  I saw a similar bunting in a shop downtown and before I knew it I was home digging through my fabric stash.  Next, I was zigzagging away and just couldn't stop.  It went, as you might imagine, super fast and the results are cheery and festive.

This bunting was noticed by my husband.  I only mention that because he is famous for not noticing anything in the house.  On a weekend while he and my son were away on a Boy Scout trip, I painted the dining room and living room.  My then 9 year old son walked in and said, "Mom, you painted!  I like it!"  My husband never said a thing, but 3 days later asked, "Why do I keep smelling paint?"

So I was flabbergasted when last night he asked, "Why did you hang napkins in the dining room?" (It had been up for a week.)

"Huh?  Oh, you mean the spring bunting!"

"The what?"

I came in beaming with pride ready to point out it's virtues, but honestly, after 41 years he has come to be slightly immune to the crafty little things that pop up here and there.  He is an engineer and sometimes doesn't get me and usually finds it's best not to ask things like, "What are you doing that for?" but instead offer a smile and a wink and will usually throw in an eyeroll too.  But I take them all as compliments :)

If you'd like to make a similar bunting, gather together some stash fabrics and loosely choose a color theme.  Make two paper templates, one 5 inches diameter and one 2 1/4 inches.  Cut out LOTS of circles!  Sew a small circle to a large circle using a wide zig-zag stitch.  Fold each circle in half and iron.  Loop the fold over a length of yarn or narrow ribbon and zigzag along the top and along the yarn adding more folded circles every few inches or so.  This would be a fun project for a young person who is learning how to use the sewing machine and could do with a little more practice. And I suppose some bits and pieces of scrapbook paper or heavyweight wrapping paper and glue would work too!

As for an Easter afterlife, I think the bunting will move outside and swag under the covered patio over the outdoor tables. 

Most of these are discontinued designer samples leftover from a shop where I used to work.

My color inspiration was from the glassware and napkins I plan to use on my Easter table.
This week I'm finishing up my decorating the house for Easter.
I'll take some pics and make a post when I'm done.
Edited: here are those pics!
As always, thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your readership!

You may have noticed Knitionary has a new look!
Tara is the creative genius behind Exclusively Yours Designs. When she is not busy at her full time job, she plays graphic designer/blogger creator, mother to Cupquake Danger and her IT nerdy hubs, as well as caretaker of many fur children.  She can be found researching the latest technology gadgets, online crazes at home on a Saturday night and Minecraft secrets for the Danger girl. She shares her infertility hardships as well as her hilarious Cupquake Danger
episodes on her personal blog.  Tara was easy to work with and got the job done quickly!
Linked to Anything Blue Friday

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  1. You have enough creativity for 100 people!

  2. A week passed before he said anything AND he thought they were napkins??!?!?!! Oh, boy...and I thought MINE was clueless!!! :-) :-) :-) At least he said something this time. Wow...that's just....WOW!!!

    I think it's a great idea to create a fun and Spring-y bunting from all the scrap pieces! It's very cheerful and brings a ton of color into the space in little chunks! Perfect!

    Have a very Happy Easter!!!

  3. Funny story! My husband tends to be clueless about home decor too!


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