
January 13, 2014

My Jagger is finished and I love it so much.  I love the fit, the fabric, the color, the free form flowers, and everything else too.  Being able to wear a sweater like this is why I knit.   It's just pretty.



I have a lot to say about making this: Knitting the pattern as is would have given me too much positive ease.  Always check the schematics!  I sized it down to an xs and kept some decent notes.  If anyone wants to know my numbers I can post them on my Ravelry page.  The cardigan itself has an updated 60s vibe with luxurious yarn and sweet vintage style daisies.  I think I remember daisyfying a denim shirt long long ago, maybe 1968?  Oh dear.  This easy pattern by Lisa Richardson is knit flat and seamed.  It's a stunner and gets a lot of attention when I wear it.  My husband, who admittedly is my biggest knitting fan, told me this might have to go near the top of the Top Ten list.  So nice.

I loved making the flowers and since I am experienced with embroidery I was comfortable going free form.  That's lucky for me because the pattern leaves you with little embroidery instruction.   I took some placement guidance from the pattern picture but mainly did my own thing and just placed and added flowers as I went along.  Alternately you could pin little paper templates around the sweater.  Either way, prepare to hunker down for a few nights of embroidery.  The flowers are placed on the fronts only and are made using the lazy daisy stitch in Anchor Artiste Metallic.  I would recommend not substituting that yarn as it was surprisingly easy to manipulate it into the daisy stitches and has the right amount of sparkle.  Inside each metallic daisy stitch is a straight stitch of Kidsilk Haze Eclipse, doubled.  I happened to have the 3 recommended colors of KSH Eclipse in my stash.  However, I think it would be easy to sub this out with any KSH or even with DMC 6 strand cotton floss.  For the centers I used glossy charcoal beads that I bought from Joanns Fabrics and the I bought the buttons last month in New York.

On to the yarn, Rowan Angora Haze.  My love.  I love you AH.  I love you in every color.  This color, Caring, is most accurate in the first 3 photos.  I've blogged about this lovely yarn so many times.  It's furry and cozy and glossy and knits up into something sumptuous.  And while I adore it, that doesn't mean it isn't without some tiny issues.  Knowing how angora behaves and taking a teensy bit of care choosing the right pattern will serve you well. This is my third AH sweater and my recommendations haven't changed. Angora is warm and while that is a plus for me, just know that if it's an issue for you.  A layering piece is a good idea.  Also scoop necks and v-necks are ideal.

One more thing, angora is notorious for shedding, and this does shed a bit, but it is minimal. It’s angora for goodness sake, so I can forgive it it’s peculiarities. This is a luxury yarn that knits into a luxury fabric that is like no other and it’s worth every little shed! Angora will pill, just as a merino will pill.  It requires a bit of maintenance after a few wears.  I am able to pick off the pills then brush the fabric lightly with a soft baby brush and it looks beautiful.  I've heard that after a few grooming sessions angora will stop pilling.  I have washed my other AH sweaters with success.  Angora is delicate; gently hand wash in cool water then roll in a big towel to remove excess water.  Pat to shape and dry in the shade.  When dry, brush lightly with a soft baby brush and your sweater will look good as new.  I'm absolutely nuts for this yarn.  

Now with all that said, Rowan has discontinued this yarn due to production issues which I hope they can resolve in the future.  If you want to try a fantastic angora yarn, now is your chance.  Production has stopped and when it's gone, who knows if we'll ever see a nice yarn like this again.  I've stashed away enough for one more sweater. 

We'll be seeing the spring and summer yarns and patterns appear in the shops soon but I'm not done with winter knitting, not by a long shot.  On my needles are a cabled sweater in Big Wool, an enormous shawl in Fyberspates Scrumptious Chunky and a poncho made with Rowan Kidsilk Amore.  I've fallen in love with PONCHOS!

I'll be back soon to share the new Rowan yarns for spring and summer.
Also coming up: what's growin' in the greenhouse and what's craftin' in the sewing room.
Have a good week.  xo

The Links:

My Ravelry Page with all the details
Rowan Angora Haze
Kidsilk Haze Eclipse
Anchor Artiste Metallic
Studio 33 (the last studio publication and the best)
Angora Haze Collection by Martin Storey
 Follow Knitionary on Facebook


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  1. Wow this looks wonderful on you. Love it!

  2. This looks so beautiful, love all the pics, they are so "moving"....thanks for the information....

  3. Congratulations, Kristen! This is a stunning piece that will turn heads, I'm sure! Your embroidery work is perfection.:-) so sad about the discontinued angora haze. Sob!

  4. Looks fantastic and so lovely on you Kristen!

  5. LOVE it, Kristen! beautiful knit, but the embroidery really makes the sweater. I think I agree with your husband - this is a top 10 for sure!

  6. Beautiful lady, beautiful sweater.


  7. I love it! I want to make one. Since I am a newbie knitter and haven't done any Rowan pattern, how do I get the publication? Is there someplace on line. It would also be great to see your calculations as I like the fit you got. Thanks Madeline

  8. Dumb as I am about the world of knitting, you just know that when I saw the word "Jagger" that I expected to see Mick in all his glory when I scrolled down! :-) What a relief to see pretty you in that gorgeous sweater!!! Do you KNOW how popular you would be here in the cold, cold Kansas City area making warm, beautiful sweaters like that?!??!!!! The women here would be beating down your door! Gorgeous!


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