after concert party

September 30, 2013

I sing in my church choir and besides singing most Sundays, we have two concerts a year, a Christmas concert and another in spring or fall.  I wish you had ALL been there for Saturday's fall concert, it was, well, wonderful!  Our choir director chose the most fun music and this year's theme was "What a Wonderful World".  We sang that lovely title song and sacred songs too, but also jazz, show tunes, gospel, and for girls only, a medley of Motown songs that included Baby Love and Please Mr. Postman.  Plus so many more.  We enjoyed it so much and know that the congregation and guests enjoyed it too.  We work so hard and practice for months and after the concert we are just not ready to end the night, so we have a party.  In my opinion giving a party is MUCH easier than singing. (I have to say that I work especially hard at music as it does not come easy to me; a love of singing and a love for my wonderful choir mates and director keeps me plugging away.)  Three close friends sing in choir with me, we are old friends that met when we took our now 30 year old kids to nursery school!  Each year we invite our friends to attend the concert and afterwards we invite them to a party.  Just wine, beer, a few appetizers and a few desserts.  All finger food.  All easy.  We share the work and share the costs and each year we rotate houses.  This year it was my turn.  I had my house decorated with lots of candlelight and sparkly mercury glass and plenty of hydrangeas with their beautiful muted fall color.  I love fall entertaining.

I have a collection of vintage medicine bottles that I am drying my hydrangeas in this year. Learn about that process here.

Hydrangeas are so pretty this time of year.  These will last all season.

I adore this lime green hydrangea.

I borrowed two cases of sturdy wine glasses and lined them up on the bar in the background.

The first fire of the season is so welcome.

In a few minutes the house will be filled with chatty people.

Our husbands serve as bartenders.
 They pour the first glass and typically the next glass our guests will have to fend for themselves!

Finger food, both sweets and savories, were served on the dining room table.
As for the party, we had to keep it simple, after all, we would be arriving at the same time as our guests.  I had everything laid out the night before (and took these pictures) and when I walked in the door only had to take a few minutes to light candles and start the fire, get out the chilled wine and set out the prepared food.  With 4 hostesses to share the duties it was done in no time.  Within ten minutes the crowd had arrived and the room was filled with chatty people enjoying a little nibble and a glass of wine.  We've found over the years that our guests don't eat a lot this late in the evening, just a bite and a drink or two.  It's a pleasant way to wind down the night and we keep it simple, why complicate a fun evening?


Kathy made a smoked salmon platter.
Ellie made pork tenderloin sliders.
Maryann made artichoke nibbles.
I made rumaki plus several short breads for a little something sweet.

The month of October I'm giving away Rowan Magazines every Friday.
If you are a knitter, stop by every Friday and enter!

Linked to Between Naps on the Porch
and No Minimalist Here.

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  1. oh Kristen, lovely as always! those hydrangeas are so pretty amidst the candles. looks like it was a wonderful way to celebrate your choir's fall concert!

  2. I love reading about your beautiful parties and dinners! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Next time invite ME! ;)

  4. Hello Kristen, thank you for visiting and your kind words. Your party sounds lovely. You always decorate with such flair. The menu is lovely, as is all of your decor. xo Linda

  5. The concert was wonderful, as they usually are. It helps to have friends performing. The photos of the party should have sound. Such fun.


  6. Kindred spirits, I'm telling you. I have the same music napkins sitting on my table now. K

  7. I’ve learned so much online in the past four years. The majority of my knowledge I attribute to reading great blogs like yours. Thank you!

  8. I love the pheasants on the wooden stand. They are beautiful. Your home is lovely all dressed up for the after concert party. The food looks great too. Is that bacon wrapped water chestnuts? What else did you use in them? Do you have a recipe? Have a wonderful Sunday.....Candy


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