Irish Coffee

December 11, 2012

A cozy winter FO to share at last, finished a month ago and today finally have pictures.
Irish Coffee by Thea Colman in Berroco Blackstone Tweed.
Wonderful and well written pattern plus great yarn,
a tweedy blend of wool, mohair and angora.

The pattern calls for short sleeves and think this would be great
in a summer cotton yarn with the shorter sleeves.

In these pictures I'm wearing mother's Christmas tree brooch.  
Together we have a great collection and 
over the years she has gifted most of hers to me.
Starting December 1st, I wear one everyday!

The brooch on the far right is mother's and was given to me on Sunday at church.
Very special!  She remembers getting it at Geary's in Beverly Hills in the 80's
The tree to the left of that is also mother's, a signed Kramer from the 70's.
The green pin below it with 5 candles is a signed Weiss from the 40's.
The others are dime store varieties that are fun to wear too!

This week I had to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the season.
I started to feel squeezed for time and decided to remove some of the
self imposed work that was spoiling my Christmas fun.  
As I let go of things I felt the squeeze disappear 
and later had to laugh at the extraneous minutiae that I had been holding on to!
 I hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of year!

xoxo Kristen

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  1. Lovely sweater Kristen, I have some of that yarn in my stash (different color). I like the Christmas brooch idea. You have a great collection!

  2. That sweater is beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

    Feeling the squeeze too and actually feeling like I might be trying to get sick - just going to slow down a little and just cross stuff off the to-do list that we can live without...

    Hope you have an awesome Christmas!

  3. As always, looks perfect on you - have a happy holiday and yes, slow down and enjoy!!

  4. Your sweater looks wonderful! I wasn't a huge fan of the design as it was written, but adding the long sleeves changes it completely! I love all your brooches too, but especially the 5-pointed snowflake - you could really wear that all winter!

  5. Looks great! And allso I like your broche collection very much. Greetings Annette

  6. I love your "Irish Coffee". Thea's patterns are always in my queue. She is a fabulous designer! Your Chrismas Pin collection is fab too. I think I recognize the tree on the far right. It looks like one of my Swarovski Limited Edition Pins. I received mine in 1995 or 96.

  7. Kristen the sweater is beautiful and love the way Terry did the pictures of you. Also love that you showed your collection of the Christmas Broches. The Christmas Tree on the far right is a Swaroski pin. Love You and slow down...and enjoy.....

  8. Gorgeous sweater, Kristen! It really does remind me of Irish Coffee with its rich, creamy color! So glad you recognized the need to chill a bit. Now you can enjoy yourself and get into the real spirit of Christmas. It means different things to different people, I know, and the only way to enjoy it is to have it YOUR way!!! Is that a lemon tree you're standing in front of? I'm a Midwesterner. You KNOW we don't know these things!!! :-)

  9. Kristen -
    What a timely post! I have been in a funk the last couple of days and had to talk myself down tonight.

    What a great collection and your sweater as always looks gorgeous.

  10. Beautiful! I love that you added the sleeves - it gives it a whole new look. Very flattering too!

    Relax and enjoy -- that's great advice. LOVE your Christmas pin collection

  11. Cozy and beautiful! I have to look up that pattern! You have such good taste!

  12. It's beautiful! You really are a very talented knitter. Makes me wish I lived in a climate cool enough for sweaters!
    Jessica @ A Humble Creation

  13. Very flattering,LOVE the long sleeves.
    Looks so fabulous...

  14. Hi Kristin,
    Merry Christmas. I love the sweater and the Christmas pin looks great on it! The pictures of the tree are beautiful. Enjoy the rest of the day.


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