Rosettes, Sandkaker and Spritz

December 24, 2010

Christmas to most of us means baking, and at Christmas I always go back to my Scandinavian roots to make those wonderful treats of my childhood.

I made Rosettes and thought I'd show you just the way my Nana showed me when I was a newlywed.

First you need a rosette iron, like this.
It comes with a recipe and it's easy: 2 eggs and 2 spoons of sugar (???! I use 2 TBLS), pinch salt and 1 C milk and 1 C flour. Beat well. Nana's secret: Let this rest for 1/2 hour.

My recipe calls for a vessel of hot grease. Yikes. I manage to do this by using a bottle of corn oil and a small can of shortening. Heat until very very hot. I have never taken the temp., but it's super hot. At the same time season the iron by heating it up in the oil.

Dip iron into batter, just almost up to the top, place iron in hot oil. Rosette cookie will bubble and sizzle off the iron. I use a fork to turn upside down, then remove and drain excess oil and rest on paper towel covered surface. This process takes seconds per cookie. Repeat.

This recipe makes a lot. You will tire of making these long before you are done with the batter. Also, you will think you have made enough sweet, fried food for your loved ones. Just toss out that extra batter, you've made enough!
If you don't consume them right away, they store nicely in shirt boxes. Nana's trick #2: Freshen up before you eat them by placing on a cookie sheet covered with a brown paper bag. Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees, turn off and let cookies sit in oven for 10 minutes, this will release a little more fat and crisp them up. Cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

These lovely treats, Rosettes, Sandkaker and Spritz will be served tonight, Christmas Eve, with cream and berries. What a treat.

I hope that this finds you enjoying the wonderful chaos/calm that to me, means Christmas joy with family and friends.

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  1. Kristin, where did find a rosette iron? Or was that Nana's set? I've been looking for a set, but haven't been successful...maybe I can find one for next year.

  2. Kristen, I love this and the pcitures that Brea took are very nice. Love Sammy's scarf as well as Stacy's. Your little family of Elf's are adorable and thank you for letting me have one to look at. It is up on my bar top. Love You, Mom

  3. Wait a minute, the cork thing is too much. I think you are possessed by the knitting devil. However. I loved seeing Annie and Sammy, and reading the rest of your blog. You are so talented and must stay up more hours than Martha Stewart does. Be careful that you don't wind up in jail, although if you do you would be a star prisoner because you would have them all making quilts and teaching them how to knit hats for corks.


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