Still Light

January 24, 2011

LOVE. Because this is so pretty, so fun, so new. I really DO love love love it.

The only prerequisite for making this sweater is the pattern and yarn of course, but you must also have an intense love of stockinette in the round on tiny needles, because there is lots of it! (happy face)

It doesn't take much to entertain me when it comes to knitting. An ocean of stockinette is apparently enough to hold my attention...for a very long time... as this is over 1500 yards of fingering weight wool using tiny size 2/3 needles. I was able to use my very wonderful ebony circulars in this unusual size for Americans. It's a little bit larger than a 2 but tinier than a 3. Years ago I broke them, I sat on them, argh. I took them to a jeweler and he was able to repair them, and yes it was expensive and yes it was worth it. (I had no choice, I searched and searched and wasn't able to replace them at the time). He insisted that they weren't worth it, but I assured him they were. He just couldn't believe that knitting needles could be so valuable to me! But you understand don't you? There are certain needles in my arsenal that give me JOY!

Still Light is very well written. I couldn't figure out the pockets for a bit, but after a while of knitting and blindly following directions, I started to get the idea. Clever pockets. I stitched 1/4" wide ribbon to the inside of the neck ribbing to stabilize. I didn't want the neckline to get any ideas, like stretching out one me, I like it just the way it is.

I knit my sleeves and the pockets flat. I would rather poke myself in the eye with a dpn than knit with them. So, to knit flat when the pattern wants you to knit in the round requires you to just cast on one stitch on each end, then you will have your little seam.

The lovely Still Light is purchased as a PDF from Veera, an independent designer from Finland I found on Ravelry. This is the most common way I'll find a pattern now. I love that at 10:30 at night you can see a pattern on Ravelry, crawl through stash to find the right yarn, then purchase pattern with Paypal, download and print it out, cast on, all in a few minutes and you're even in your jammies. Instant gratification in the knittiverse. Anyhoo, I think I have just become a huge fan of Veera and will probably make a few more of her sweaters. I especially love her Folded.

I used discontinued Rowan Yorkshire Tweed 4 Ply in a color called Mouse of all things. I ran out of yarn and couldn't persuade any one on Ravelry to give up a skein or two so had to fudge with the pocket linings and use a skein of Shetland Tweed in a color and weight that almost matched. But you can't see that, can you?

A funny thing, I went to my Monday morning knitting group and every one, including me was knitting a Just Enough Ruffles scarf! I also started the Chilton Pullover from the Winter/Spring 2011 Knitscene. I am going to Maui in 2 weeks to visit my best friend who lives in Wailea and this will be perfect to have with me. I am using June in a pale Periwinkle color that's from my stash. I also plan to make the Papeline Pullover in some Calmer also from my stash. Go stashbusters!

This is sweater #3 for 2011. Raveled here.

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  1. Gorgeous! I love her designs too, especially Plain & Simple and Hooray

  2. Ooh, it's beautiful!! This has been in my queue, I think I'll definitely have to make one soon. Love the colour you chose!

  3. thank you for visiting my blog. this gave me the opportunity to get to know your blog - and what can I say - I love your blog! I really like what you are knitting!

  4. Gorgeous! I am dying to knit this. You're version is amazing.
    I've never knitted with dpn's and I am having A LOT of trouble working them out to finish the sleeves on a baby cardigan. Thanks for the tip on how to knit them flat.

  5. "an ocean of stockinette" is right up my alley! I love love love this! I am thinking of a soft grey. Thanks for sharing, and I have been drooling over all of your projects!


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