Free Yarn! I'm decluttering again and my loss is your gain

January 20, 2023


As you know, I've been deep cleaning all month. I've finished our bedroom and bath but still have the closets to finish. Not much decluttering to do in there but it's still slow going. Since then I've jumped around the house, cleaning this or that as I feel like it. My kitchen is mostly finished with just the cupboard doors to wash down. I didn't have much to declutter in the kitchen either because I was so thorough last year, but the knitting room? Well, there was a lot to declutter there and that is how I spent my morning--making a mess so I could make it tidy. See that picture above? That's not even all my yarn. I keep all my yarn in this Ikea cabinet pictured below, and this is what it looks like after I decluttered. This morning it was stuffed to the gills and looked very untidy. 

tidied up cabinet

The first rule of decluttering is to empty the contents entirely and only return the items that you love and know you will use.  Well, I had to break that rule.  I knew I could not pull all the yarn out and put it on the floor because there was simply too much yarn and my floor is not big enough. So instead I started at the top and looked through each basket, bin and drawer. The baskets for the most part are filled with my works-in-progress. I love to have many of those on hand and didn't find any that I wanted to give up on. Any yarn that I had a plan for was left where it was but any yarn that had no plan was tossed to the floor. That alone was enough to give me a fright. Next, I picked through the stash on the floor and made tentative plans for yarn I still liked and replaced. I divvied up the remainder into three large bags:

Bag one was for unknown bits to donate to my grandson's school for crafts.

Bag two is for our local yarn swap in February. 

Bag three is for you.

I have five lots of yarn and if you are interested in any of it, I'd love to give it to you. I only ask that you pay for postage. I can only ship to the USA, and shipping costs, depending where you live, should cost from $6 to $15 but I'm just guessing. 

Here's how it works. If you would like one of the five lots below, leave a comment and then email me your address--my contact info is kristen l rettig at g mail dot com. I will calculate the shipping (I live in California for reference) and if you agree to that amount, I'll mail it out next week. If more than one person wants it then I'll choose first come, first serve. This must be finished by February 12, Super Bowl Sunday, because that's the date of the yarn swap and any yarn that is not selected will go there. 

This is a good way to sample yarns and some are in lots where you could easily make hats, scarfs, stripey sweaters, etc. I cannot provide info on color number or dye lot or exact yardage. Wound skeins may be partial skeins.

Edited: All yarn has been spoken for.

TAKEN, no longer available. Lot ONE, Shibui. Five skeins of Reed in an elephant gray. Three skeins of Maai in black. One skein Nest in a blush color.

TAKEN, no longer available. Lot TWO, Rowan. Six skeins of Softyak DK in a medium teal shade. Enough for a child's sweater.

TAKEN, no longer available. Lot THREE, Rowan. On the left are 7 skeins of Cotton Cashmere. The top brown is Patina with a partial below it. The bottom right 3 are Creative Linen, all from Rowan.

TAKEN, no longer available. Lot FOUR, Mixed Fingering Weights. Holtz Garn wool on top and top left. The bright green is Purl Soho Linen Quill, and below is a machine wash sock yarn. The pale olive near the top is Rowan Summerlite 4 ply. The six balls below that are Krea Deluxe Cotton and the four skeins on the right are and unknown wool that I'm pretty sure is machine wash.

TAKEN, no longer available. Lot FIVE. The camel yarn is Onling Hanne Falkenberg Shetland Wool. The black is String Amalfi and the bottom right is from Freia Fibers. 

Don't be shy! I want it to GO!

Best wishes, Kristen

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  1. I would love lot 2. Thank you so much for the offer!

  2. I would love to have lot 1. This is such a generous offer

  3. Hello! I would love any remaining lots from one of my favorite bloggers!

  4. I would love lot 4. I live in Illinois.
    Next time I am in San Francisco I would love to meet for coffee. I really enjoy your posts!!!!!

  5. How very generous and kind of you! I do not need any yarn as my stash is enough. I just wanted to thank you for your kindness. :)

  6. I would love lot 5, if it is available. Thanks!

  7. Forgot to include my name to my comment above, lol!

  8. Hi, Kristen! I would love lot 5 if still available! Cat B.

  9. I would love to have lot 5 if still available. I may be local to you in Los Altos so may be able to pick up?

  10. I would love what ever you have. I'm disabled and I love to crochet for charities.


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