announcing a winner, the end of summer garden, and a pop up party

September 02, 2023


The summer garden is coming to a close and everything looks positively pooped. It was a great summer with huge harvests, and while we will still be harvesting a small amount throughout September, the big hauls are definitely over. It's a bittersweet time, but honestly, I couldn't sustain this kind of work year-round. We're glad we did it and happy to see our hard work turn into such beautiful flowers and vegetables, but it's time for us all to rest, the garden and the gardeners. We've got a big clean up ahead of us in October, then a rest, then the pruning in January, and then the seed catalogs arrive and I'll start dreaming again of the next summer garden. But you are here today for the gnome giveaway winner! First, thank you all for entering. I loved reading your sweet comments and appreciate them so much, and also love knowing where you are from. The winner is....

To choose a winner I printed out the comments, cut them, folded them, then closed my eyes and picked one. Linda E from central Pennsylvania is the winner! Linda, I am sending you an email as soon as I post this, so if you have not received an email from me with Knitionary Gnomes as the subject, please check your junk mail. Please reply back to the email with your address and I'll mail them on Tuesday. If you don't get any email, please contact me through Ravelry. I'm kristenlynnea. Wonderful and congratulations!

Pop Up Party: It's the long Labor Day Weekend here in the states. Our neighbors celebrated last night with a giant last minute happy hour. We do this sort of thing about one a month, year round, and only hard rain will cancel. If this interests you, I really encourage you to start up this sort of thing in your own neighborhood. It could not be easier. Here's our rules: We meet in a front yard and if you forget where it is, you just walk around until you find people! There's no official host, no set date, someone just decides to do it and sends out an email blast. Some people never host, while others do it often. It's all good. It's almost always last minute, there's no RSVP, people just show up. BYOB and your own glass. (One neighbor has an extensive wine cellar and he likes to bring several bottles to taste. Last night I made two big gin and tonics that I figured would last an hour or two, then we wandered home soon after we took our last sip.) Bring an appetizer to share if you want. (Last night I brought a bowl of peanuts and a bowl of cherry tomatoes.) Bring a chair or two if you can. And the most important rule: If you have to go to the bathroom, walk home to do that little thing! I don't know who made that a rule, but I guess it's a pretty good one. We start at 4:30ish and end a few hours later. People come and go. Kids come and go. Our UPS man stops and says he wishes he could stay. It's always fun. 

If you'd like to make a comment, please scroll down. I reply to each comment and that response will appear directly below your comment. If you would like a personal reply, please know that I use the Blogger platform and they do not give me your contact information when you comment. If you would like a personal reply you can contact me using the contact form on the right side at the very end of my websiteIf you would like to receive Knitionary posts by email, please subscribe here 

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  1. Thank you for selecting my name for the gnome giveaway! Can’t wait to make them and surprise my sisters with their own at Christmas. Our garden is not quite finished yet but getting there. I harvested a zucchini a bit ago that was a contender as a Louisville slugger. It’s feeding the compost. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

    1. This comment is so funny. We've found a few Louisville Sluggers hiding too! It's like they appear overnight! Congratulations on winning!

  2. You definitely deserve a rest after the summer. Your garden was magnificent.

  3. As per your request, I sent an email to let you know the package containing the materials to make the gnomes arrived on Thursday here at my home in central PA. Thanks again.


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