grow and bloom

March 20, 2023

Hello and happy first day of spring! We've had such cold weather lately that it doesn't feel anything like spring to this Californian. I guess I need to keep knitting sweaters! My most recent knit was a test for the sweet Finnish designer Suvi of SuviKnits. I have tested for her before, and since her patterns are perfect in every way, it's more like a preview knit. I don't think any of the testers found even so much as a typo. 

Why I love this: Top down, short rows to shape the back neck, lightweight in sport weight wool, cute embroidery, and STRIPES! I also loved that I could use stash although I did have to buy another skein of white to complete my sweater. The embroidery is super simple but some of the testers used buttons instead of embroidering a flower which looks completely adorable. I made a few small modifications for fit that are on my Ravelry project page.

I used both Brooklyn Tweed Peerie and Quince and Co. Chickadee. After a few wearings the Chickadee is starting to pill, but the Peerie is absolutely fine. Both were easy to knit and both are soft next to the skin.

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  1. I totally love that sweater and it looks great on you!


  2. Love the gradient stripes - both subtle and lively at the same time! Chloe

  3. As with all your knits, this is adorable. How you manage to complete so many is a mystery to me. Do you have elves that assist while you sleep?

    1. Thank you! I wish I could convince elves to do my blocking!

  4. All of your sweaters are beautiful. I enjoy your blog. Your blog has so many useful craft ideas with easy instructions. Did any readers say they were interested in how you use short rows in your sweaters? I would like to know how you do the short rows in your sweaters.

  5. I am so pleased to hear from you again, wouilderful pattens and ready for our Australia winter. kind regards from Australian Vicki

  6. Nice post thank you Edward


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