Santa, Elf and Snow Queen, free pattern preview

December 04, 2014

I have a tradition each year to create a new Christmas ornament, making a few to keep and a few more to give away.  This year my winter trio is very similar to the Christmas Dollies I made last year but a tad easier with supplies that are easier to find.  While I originally created this as an adult project, everyone in the family could certainly contribute! Younger children can help craft the dolls, and older children can sharpen their knitting skills making the costumes. Create these whimsical dolls to begin -- or carry on -- your own family tradition of crafting cherished handmade ornaments every year.  The instructions and pattern are free, see below for all the links and the downloadable PDF.

My elves have red hair.

The supplies are simple:  a 1-1/4" wooden doll head bead, pipe cleaners, felt, ribbon, acrylic paint, glue, yarn and knitting needles and you are on your way.  The costumes are knit using Rowan's new Mohair Haze in Cuddle, Kiss and Comfort.  With 3 skeins, you can easily make a dozen dolls.  The free pattern download has complete doll and dress instructions.

Rowan Mohair Haze
See my other free patterns here.

I make these assembly line style.
The doll heads are 1-1/4 inch size and widely available.  If not at your local craft store, check the internet.

Merry Christmas!


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  1. Thank you for giving away the pattern. Very nice of you!

  2. Absolutely adorable. We put up our tree this week and I smiled as I hung the cute ornament you sent me last year. I love special ornaments!

  3. What a clever idea to use a wooden bead for the head of the doll. These are so pretty, and the Snow Queen is my favorite!


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