Thanksgiving Cookies

November 27, 2013

If you've been reading this blog for a bit you know I love to make shaped sugar cookies.  For many years I've collected cookie cutters and over the next year, as I make them for each season I'll pull out my favorites to share.  I make these often, it wouldn't be a family gathering without sugar cookies, I think my family would have a rebellion.  For us, cookies and milk or cookies and coffee is the best end to dinner!

My Thanksgiving cutters are among my favorites.  The big American Indian, the two Indians in the canoe and the pilgrim couple are made by B. Cukla.  At the end of the post I have links for you.

I have a tip, when you are cutting out a large or complicated design like the Indian above,
roll the dough onto the cookie sheet, cut out cookie and carefully peel the dough away.
If there are little parts like the feather headdress on the Indians in the canoe,
use a toothpick to help get the dough out.  Flour your cutter before each cut.

Hand made tin Indians in Canoe cutter made by B. Cuckla.

While I don't collect cookie cutters anymore,
I'm happy to see my favorite tinsmith and coppersmith
are still creating beautiful designs.

Here are some great links to cookie cutter artisans!

My favorite tin cutters are from B. Cuckla
 My favorite copper cutters are from Michael Bonne
 Michael Bonne on Etsy
I used to belong to the Cookie Cutters Collector Club,
they are awesome and their newsletter is called "Cookie Crumbs."
Cookies Cutters Collectors Club on Facebook

My favorite sugar cookie recipe 

And since we are on cookies, this is what I imagine Martin Storey would make if he were to make cookies!

The winner has been chosen and contacted through Facebook.  Thank you to who entered.  Also thank you for coming back, your readership is important to me.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers!



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  1. Happy Thanksgiving! The sweater cookies totally slay me!


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