tiny teensy

June 14, 2012

With my iphone this morning, with the morning sun lighting the veggie garden, I took pictures of the first signs of veggies still hanging on to their blossoms.  So exciting!

Gorgeous purple eggplant.

Cucumber and it's daisy flower.

We've been eating lettuces for the last month.

No bean flowers yet, but plenty of growth up the poles.


Pattypan, my favorite summer squash.

We've been nibbling on the onion thinnings.

I'll wait until late summer to harvest the bell peppers, we prefer them red.

We harvest most herbs year round, right outside the kitchen door.

I am madly in love with my garden.

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  1. Dear Kristen, your garden is amazing. Absolutely beautiful.. I like your baby tomatoes so much. The seem so cute...

  2. That is exciting! I'm hoping you'll share a recipe for the patty pan squash when they're ready. I'm intrigued by them, but I've never used them.

  3. Oh my! The garden is looking fantastic. You are about 1.5 months ahead of us, if not more. :-) Thanks for sharing the photos.

  4. I'm madly in love with your garden too! The pattypans look sweet.

  5. LOL! I almost said what "Twisted Knitter" said as well... ME TOO! I am madly in love with your garden. Look at these veggies you have planted! Why is it they don't disappear unlike the ones we grow? We have to keep them inside this chicken wire thing... I didn't know about Pattypan; I will have to check them out next time. Thanks for walking us through your garden :)

  6. I also think your garden is beautiful and you did inherit the Johnson touch from your Grandad and plus. I love all squash and like them mixed and steamed together. Wouldn't my father of loved your yard and garden......


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