
June 15, 2012

Adorable pattypans.
We harvested the first of the summer squash last night,
the tender pattypans.  Normally I would quarter them and do a quick stir-fry.
Last night I decided to make a casserole.

If you don't know about the pattypan squash,
they are just as easy to grow as a zucchini. 
They are delicious and pretty when stuffed,
and to me, taste almost a little nutty, with more flavor than a zucchini.
If you have too many,
the blossoms are good for stuffing with something light.

Also, we welcomed our first dahlia of the year.
Hello beautiful.


They have good years and bad years, this is a good year.

This one is the size of a dinner plate.

The petunia border is beyond beautiful, shocking us by
being freakishly bright neon violet.

I love it.

And speaking of petunias.
Years ago at a party the hostess was serving martinis.
She plopped a petunia into the glass and called in a martunia :-)

Ahh, summer.
(I know it's not really officially here until next week, but still...)

The veggie garden this morning.

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  1. It looks wonderful! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :0)

  2. Love your garden! I see your kitchen garden has raised beds just like mine. But my kitchen garden is much smaller. I've only managed to plant some tomatoes and herbs this time around. Maybe next year some pattypans ...

  3. Um... that's your garden?! It's beautiful! One day I hope my container garden bonanza will morph into beautiful back yard of amazing awesomeness like yours! ; )


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