Sunset Slouch

September 30, 2020


I've just finished the coolest hat and at the same time was able to try out a new yarn. Well, maybe not too new. The yarn was introduced last year but I had never heard of it. I would not know about this lovely yarn still if not for this hat kit announcement arriving in my inbox last month. I think little stripy kits are a great idea to offer to knitters; it's like getting a shade card and sample yarn pack in one. I wish more yarn makers would do this; offer a little project kit with a little taste of yarn and a good sampling of colors. The yarn is Weld by Hudson + West Co., a fingering weight that is 70% Merino and 30% Corriedale. It is USA produced from sheep to skein.  Weld is terrific--it is springy and lovely to knit and all the colors I received except the navy have a heathery nuance. The stitches cling together to make an even, soft, pliable, and stretchy fabric with great memory. If you don't mind hand washing a baby or child's sweater, Weld would be a great choice for children's garments as it is lightweight and soft. I could also see it for any shawl or sweater project for that matter, and imagine colorwork, lace and cables would all work beautifully in Weld. All the available colors were included in the kit except the white, gray and black. The kit also included a fold-over leather H + W label for the brim. Love that little touch. The hat is comfy and fits my noggin and my grandson's too. 

Jogless stripes: I don't think you'll be able to spot the beginning of the color changes very easily, see last photo above. There are many ways to knit jogless stripes in the round, but the method I use is the easiest and it works perfectly each time: 

1. Add the new color and knit the row.
2. When you come to the second round, slip the first stitch as if to purl with the yarn in back. Knit the remaining stitches.
3. On the third round, knit as usual, but on the first stitch, give both the new yarn and previous yarn a little tug or two to line them up. 

This method works best for stripes that are 3 or more rows wide. All jogless methods work best on wool and not as well on cotton and linen. 

You can purchase the kit for the Sunset Slouch here. You can find the pattern on Ravelry here. My own project page is here. Weld yarn by Hudson + West Co. can be purchased here. It's a good one.

Thank you all so much for your kind comments on my previous post. I received over a hundred comments and all were in agreement that social media has become too intrusive and divisive. I'm not suggesting that walking away from Facebook and Instragram is for everyone, but for me, and it's only been one week, I know it was the right decision. I'm surprised how much social media had negatively directed my mood. And the time I spent! Now I have more time for things I really enjoy and honestly, I don't know why I waited so long. I have not replied to each comment as yet, but I will in the week to come. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. You can comment on this post by scrolling down if you are on my website, or by clicking here. xo Kristen

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  1. Yes, Kristen, I do know some people who have experienced no problem with some social media because their use is very limited. But the "bad people" are getting more and more clever at infiltrating our privacy and keeping a guarded presence on social media seems like one more safety precaution that could protect us. So there is also that aspect as well. (I don't mean paralyzing ourselves with fear, just being prudent. Having been a victim of that not too long ago I am particularly sensitive to it.) Chloe

    1. Hi Chloe

      I'm with you all the way. I know how we can block and unfriend to avoid unpleasant posts, but that was never my main concern. Keeping FB out of my personal business, selling my information, and using that information to unduly influence me was just too much.

  2. This hat is so lovely, as are all your knits. I use Instagram a little to follow a limited amount of makers I enjoy, however I find the advertisements and suggested accounts very intrusive and too frequent. As for Facebook, I have an account but never post and rarely use it. Once someone's post is in the past I am unable to find it again so as a resource it is not helpful to me. Despite the problems Ravelry is having with accessibility - and I am happy they are addressing these issues - I find it an incredible resource and it is advertisement minimal. I purchase patterns via Ravelry to support them.

    1. Thank you Alex. I agree with you about Ravelry. They don’t seem to be harvesting and selling our information so I find them harmless. Like you, I use Rav as a valuable resource for finding yarn and patterns, and keeping track of my own stash and knitting.

      Best, Kristen

  3. Love the colors, just beautiful!

  4. This is amazing. I have a pattern for a similar hat “21 Color Slouch” by Virginia Sattler-Reimer. It’s been sitting in a basket for years. The hat is adorable on Carter.


    1. You should make that hat pronto. It's so fun to make and completely adorable.

  5. Hi, everything OK ? You are so silent.

    1. Hello

      Thank you for thinking of me. I was very busy here. My son had a hip replacement—yes, he’s very young to have one, long story—and he stayed here for 3 weeks plus we had our grandson a lot of the time. The blog had to take a back seat. All is well now and for better or worse we are back to pandemic normal.

      Best, Kristen


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