Today's Forecast: new projects with 100% chance of knitting bliss

January 26, 2019

Hello! I hope you are all good and well! We are emerging from a January that was filled with colds for everyone. Everyone meaning the baby, mommy and daddy, and all three grandparents. All at the same time. But finally and happily, we are all mostly better or getting better, so all is good. I woke this morning feeling almost back to normal and decided to treat myself to a feel-good task and get my next knitting projects Raveled and bagged. I love feeling organized! I'm finishing up a few sweaters and looking ahead to my next! Also, for the first time in weeks we are going out to dinner and I've got two new sweaters to choose from--FOs that need to be photographed and blogged about soon. But until that's done, here's the most recent line-up:

I have some lacy yoke patterns in my queue. Here's Pine Creek matched with a yarn I've had in my stash for years!

I love a ribbed yoke and had this yarn in my stash for quite a while. Happy to find the right project!

I meant this yarn for another project, but I didn't like the way it was turning out, so frogged and repurposed for
The Balloon Cardigan.

I cannot wait to start this. My Zweig will be one color.

I've made a lot of progress on Kate since this picture. The body is done, now on to the sleeves and button bands.

The body on Lillet is finished and next come the sleeves,

Dearne--almost done! Just the cuffs of one arm!

Do you have as many projects as I do? I guess I am a fickle knitter and cannot stay loyal to any project for very long. But I always do come back to it and finish. According to my Ravelry page, Dearne has been in the works since July! Thanks for popping by, and if you'd like to leave a comment, scroll to the bottom of the page or click here.


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  1. Hello, beautiful projects! What do you bag your projects in? That is my next project for organizing my yarn.

    1. Hi Denise
      I have open baskets that I use for works in progress, but for future projects I use the large 2.5 gallon zip lock bags. They are big enough to fit the yarn and pattern without squishing. The one gallon bags just seem to small. Is this what you meant? Kristen


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