The Very Hungry Caterpillar sweater

July 04, 2018

Good morning! I haven't been to my blog in over a month and I've missed it and you! I have a few quiet hours this morning before we head over to our son's house for a July 4th BBQ of hamburgers, garlic fries and corn on the cob, yum! My husband is playing golf, and my brother, who is here for the week, has taken his coffee and his book to the patio. So the first thing this bright blue morning was to raise the flag then take a walk to take some photos of the garden and my most recently finished baby sweater. Carter will be one this month and I've got a few sweaters on the needles. The first one finished is a loving homage to Eric Carle's beautiful Very Hungry Caterpillar. I did my best to find colors in my stash that matched his gorgeous grass, blue, and lime greens. The pattern is Baby's Sailing Sweater from Donnybrook Designs. I made the 24 month size, because our little guy is a big little guy for his age and it fits him already. The wools are all machine washable and it was a snap to knit. 

Six-row stripes make up the body, and for a little visual interest, after the sleeve separation I made two-row stripes on the sleeves.

I make a lot of striped baby sweaters with my scraps. Take this link to my post that includes links to free patterns and many tips to get you started on knitting your own "free" baby sweaters!

If you live in the USA, have a safe and happy Independence Day!


My Ravelry Project Page

Totally Free Totally Adorable Baby Sweaters

I've recently added quite a lot of stash that I'm selling on Ravelry. The yarns are beautiful and the prices are great, but I'm not going to knit them because either they are not my color, or I've changed my mind on the project. Take a look and see if there's anything you can't live without!

To make a comment, click here.

I purchased the buttons at JoAnns.


Old Glory

purple sage


green beans growing up teepee poles cut annually from our fruitless mulberry tree

yellow and orange nasturtiums, pink roses and hydrangea

shasta daisies


shasta daisies and gladiola

First Prize rose



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  1. I can count on you Kristen to put a smile on my face. I love pictures of your garden and think you have an eye when it comes to baby knitting. I can tell you have a lot of fun with both! I am a library docent and I love to read Eric Carle's books to the children. They are perfect stories for all types of crafts and I'm delighted to see the hungry caterpillar on a sweater!

    1. I don't remember too many of Eric Carle's books, just this one and the bear book. I was really surprised when I did a search on his art to see all his other gorgeous books! We are just about ready to start taking Carter to our library's storytime, and we are lucky that they have one and two storytimes a day, but they always manage to fall when he is about to nap. I think he will love it once we can make it happen!

  2. What a simple idea, but ramps up the cuteness of the sweater so much!


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