popsicle toes, a free knitting pattern for dolly

November 29, 2017

This pattern is 100% inspired by the darling French Macaroon sweater that is offered for free on Ravelry from The Noble Thread. I love that pattern so much, and have made a few, that I even designed a baby hat, Tiny Tot, also available for free, to go along with it. When I first saw the sweater and hat on my infant grandson I knew I would have to make it into a doll sweater too. I love knitting for dolls! This sweater and hat will fit an 18" American Girl Doll or similar.

The pattern is free and simple to make. It's knit in one piece in garter stitch and requires only a small amount of seaming. I think you'll enjoy it and I imagine you'll be able to knock one out before Christmas! 

Thank you to my very kind and talented testers. I put the word out on Facebook and within a few minutes I had a dozen helpers. Thank you for your valuable input.

Get the free patterns at these Ravelry links:

for an 18" doll

available in 6 sizes, newborn to 4 years

available in 4 sizes, newborn, baby, toddler, child

The free pattern for the sewn skirt is here.

Happy Knitting!
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  1. So cute and easy! Thank you Kristin! Chloe

  2. Lovely! Great job! I have dolls in my shop. I will make it in the New Year!

  3. So, so cute! That is the exact kind of hat I've been looking for in an adult size for myself. I'm weird. I like those "Heidi" hats and "Elmer Fudd" hats...anything fun and different! I really need to grow up! :-)

  4. Thank you for the free pattern. I love to knit for dolls and am always looking for new inpiration. You are so kind!!


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