on the needles

November 15, 2017

My husband left for golf this morning and over his shoulder he tossed out a, "What are you going to do today?" Well, first, it's alternately cloudy/sprinkling/raining, so I don't know how much golf game he will get in, but I spent my morning warm and dry, organizing my knitting for the rest of the year and beginning to write my detailed holiday to-do lists. I actually just realized that Thanksgiving is next week and we all know that the Christmas season accelerates at an alarming speed the day after Thanksgiving. So take a deep breath folks, here it comes! 

As for my homemade gifts, Ravelry project pages with pictures and details is my best way to get them organized. Only a half dozen projects actually have a Christmas deadline and most of them have been started. The rest is just fun stuff. 

Loire Sweater for Annie in Rowan Big Wool. Adding long sleeves. Priority: high, must have done by Dec. 28.

Sweater for Stacy in Comfort Chunky (she lives in Southern California and she gets too warm for wool).
Priority: high--deadline Dec. 28, and I haven't even started. Gulp.
Three Mrs. Claus hats for Carter and his parents. Priority is high--must have done by Thanksgiving.

Carter's needlepoint stocking has the HIGHEST priority of everything.
This has to be stitched, blocked and turned into a stocking by this weekend.

High priority on this one too. Deadline is Christmas Day. It's a 3 mos. size Little Macaroon and Tiny Tot Hat
for a new little baby we'll see on Christmas. I am almost done. 

Weekender with this Dovestone Aran that I bought at Avenue Yarns in Berkeley. Low, low, low priority,
and if fact everything listed below is for me, so no deadline. (Kristen, please, please, ignore this until 2018.)

This project is also very low priority, but keeping my mitts of it is going to be impossible.
This yarn. THIS YARN! Sorry to shout at you, but honestly, this yarn is so scrumptious, I can't stop touching it.
I tried to put it away and out of sight, but that only lasted for two days. I blame Clara Parkes, the yarn wizard.

A Kim Hargreaves with Rowan Valley Tweed. I've just the the sleeves to do. Lovely yarn and simple, wearable pattern.

This lovely project doesn't even get it's own basket, that's because I want it out of my sight!
 I put in a bag and put it in the closet, top shelf. I just don't need to be tempted.
Lovely Shibui yarn for Tuva. My first Shibui experience. Nice, but must rest until January. Be strong.

 Rowan Super Fine Merino 4 ply is heaven and any pattern from Isabell Kraemer is also heaven.

Sweet Jane with lovely Swan's Island Ikat Firefly. I'm just to the shaping of the hem and then on to the sleeves.
I have shoved this too to the back of the closet, but I'll be happy to bring it out again.

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  1. Kristen, I love all your pattern and yarn choices and am so impressed by the length of your to do projects. I am cheering you on.

  2. Wow! Kristen I thought I had many projects on the needles! Your's are beautiful! Gives me inspiration!
    Take care,

  3. What a fabulous collection of projects, Kristen! I, too, have Tuva on my to-do list for January. I'm thinking of making it in steel grey. Did you try it on at the Trunk Show? OMG, Sweet Jane is amazing! I have just added it to my queue! I have been eyeing that Swan's island Ikat yarn and wondering what to do with it, you are my inspiration!

  4. They are all beautiful. I will try Raindrops after I finish my Chanel style sweater.



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