ready for Easter

April 14, 2017

Preparing for Easter this year involved tremendous strategic planning on my part.  How to get all the house and garden spring cleaning done, plus the menus planned and groceries brought in, egg hunt planned, and still fit in a long-ago planned trip (plus a quick 3 day surprise pop-up trip that brought us home last night--with our guests arriving this afternoon) meant making list after list and sticking to a schedule with military-like precision.  Having less time meant I had to give up a few things I normally would have done.  There's very little Easter decorations, but I'm sure I'm the only one who will notice. But now I'm done! Everything is sparkling, I'm showered and ready to run one last errand before the family comes.  We're out of coffee of all things!

Happy Easter!

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Thank you, Kristen


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  1. What a beautiful space you have.

  2. Happy Easter, Kristin. I so enjoy seeing your home, gardens, table settings, and oh yes, knitting.

  3. Hi Kristen,
    Your home is lovely! My husband has his horticultural degree and he loves your gardens. His parents owned a nursery in Enniskillen On.
    Happy Easter! What are you serving? I'm cooking leg of lamb and ham.

    Best ,

  4. Why, why, WHY do I not have a beautiful, LARGE patio area like this??!?!!??!?!? You would find me out there round the clock tinkering and enjoying it!

    I like the idea of hanging the pillows to dry like that! Never thought of it! Wonder if the HOA would have a cow, though? They don't take kindly to us stepping outside the almighty rules!

    Happy eastern,

  5. That was supposed to say Happ Easter. Dadgum autocorrect!!!!!

  6. Everything looks lovely....Happy Easter :)

  7. Your house and garden look beautiful. I'm sure your Easter was loved by your family.



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