summer poetry/cotton poetry

May 13, 2016

I loved my last Poetry so much I decided to make another one for summer.  You might remember the original, from Rowan Magazine 56 and designed by Marie Wallin, was knit in Kid Classic and made a great wintery sweater.  But since I ended up wearing it so much I knew it would be a fabulous summer sweater knit in the great Rowan Handknit Cotton with it's similar gauge and drape.  Handknit Cotton has worked out so well for me in the past--it's very soft but manages to take multiple trips to the washer and dryer and still behave like a trouper.  White HKC is especially nice as it washes up bright and white no matter how dirty I get it or how often I wash it.  Plus it's very easy to knit; definitely one of the easiest cottons on the market.  Cotton yarns sometimes get a bad rap for being difficult to move on the needles and hard on the hands, but not this one.  I'm a fan.  It's not a yarn that is needle fussy, but I did prefer using my pointy Addi Lace needles.  The pattern is well written, quickly made and fun to wear--although I have been stopped on the street by people asking me (with a wink) if I just might have my sweater on backwards!  In fact, the back is one of the reasons why I like this sweater so much!

is part of the Rowan core line and an excellent value at ~$6.50 for 92 yards.
You can find it at your local Rowan stockist or at Jimmy Beans, Webs, and Deramores.

You can queue Poetry here.

I made some simple mods that you can read about on my Rav. project page.

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(The pink pants are from Gap; I bought another in charcoal.  Love them.)


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  1. Ouuu, I do love this in white! I know you love white sweaters and it's nice to know this is one that can go into the washing machine. Lindy

    1. I do love white sweaters and I'm guilty of having (perhaps) too many! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is just the cutest! I will have to ask my sales rep about that issue ; )

  4. I absolutely LOVE IT! And it's the "backwards" thing that grabs me too ;-)

  5. I thought this sweater looked familiar. I love it in white!


  6. I love this sweater, Kristen! So perfect in white cotton!


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