easter crafternoon at knitionary

February 25, 2016

I knew there was a reason why I was
saving those Brie boxes,
collecting glitter,
hoarding tiny trees and mushrooms,
and believing that if I hold on to something long enough,
I'll find a use for it.

Sigh, just another fun crafternoon at Knitionary.

Rowan Pure Wool Superwash DK can be purchased at your local Rowan stockist or online at
- See more at: http://knitionary.blogspot.com/2015/12/my-options-kal-is-finished-wardrobe.html#sthash.z40QzSLf.dpuf

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  1. Oh my, be still my beating heart! I love them! The tiny bunnies! The trees! Adorable.

    1. Aww thank you. I was so happy during my little craternoon!

  2. So cute! You've done such a lovely professional job! By the way, I'm really hoping to have a Crafternoon this Sunday. Love it :)

  3. Oh I love these!!!! So adorable and what a great use for all those fun crafting supplies that I also have a basket full of! I was surprised how early Easter comes this year and just this morning decorated a bit for Easter too (not any crafting though - although you have inspired me).


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