
September 14, 2015

Today I have Kate by Sarah Hatton to share.  I just have to smile when I look at these pictures.  My neighbor, 15 year old Jessica, modeled so beautifully for me.  Kate is from the book, Rowan Loves Kidsilk Haze and Felted Tweed, the first Rowan Loves book.  This is the first book in a series of three that has been extremely popular. Each pattern has several options for yarn and design features to vary the sweater style from sporty to formal or something in-between. Expect more Rowan Loves in the future. As for my somewhat sporty Kate, (I've used Felted Tweed and Kidsilk Haze) she is patiently waiting for fall and then I imagine she will be worn frequently.  In Sarah's book, each garment can be knit with either FT or KSH knit single or double.  In my Kate, I knit the body in Felted Tweed, Mineral--I needed something yellow in my wardrobe--and the trim in Kidsilk Haze, the dark charcoal, Anthracite.  The combination is simply beautiful--the Felted Tweed's earthy tweediness is just delicate enough to compliment and not overpower the elegant KSH.   I made no modifications to the pattern.

Did my model Jessica like it?  Yes, she did!  She thought the tweed was pretty and liked that the fabric was lightweight. She also liked that it came to just above the hip.  We decided we liked it closed with the skirt, and with pants it would probably look best open.  Kate is a very cool cardigan and I'm very happy with it.

my Ravelry project page for Kate


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  1. Great use of both yarns in one cardigan. The fuzziness of the Kidsilk Haze contrast beautifully against the Felted Tweed. I love your colour choice too.

  2. Love the colour combination! Another fabulous knit!

  3. What an adorable model you have! She shows off your new cardigan very nicely!


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