winners revealed and another w-i-p parade

April 06, 2015

I thought it would be a good time to update my Rav page with my works-in-progress.
Here they are!

I purchased the yarn for the Floyd vest by Martin Storey.  It's for my son's BD in September, so not a big hurry right now.  He's crazy over this one.  Me too.  It will be perfect for San Francisco weather and will look great with jeans.

Phoebe is a test knit that is due the end of this month, so this will get a lot of attention this next week.  I had some ancient, but very lovely Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran in my stash.  I've been saving it for the perfect project, and think this is it. 

I know two "all boy" families who are welcoming baby girls this summer.  Clara has been on my to-do list for ages.  It's a sweet and easy knit, a lot of fun and is lovely in machine washable Rowan Wool/Cotton 4 Ply in Misty.

I've always wanted to try Fine by Spud and Chole, machine washable in the palest pink.  It will be an owl sweater for a wee girl.

I've got just the sleeves to finish on this Martin Storey pullover using Rowan Summerlite 4 Ply in Navy Ink.

By the door I keep my two travel projects, my "grab and goes".  The one on the left is a smooshy garter lap blanket I knit in the movies in a discontinued Alchemy DK.  Our movie theater has been fitted out with luxury recliner seats, every seat in every theater!  It's heaven!  We go to the movies most Monday afternoons and need something I can touch knit in the dark.   On the right is a pi shawl for my car and plane knitting using Handmaiden Casbah Sock.
My most popular post, and the one that still gets 200 plus hits a day, is an old one: The Totally Free, Totally Adorable Baby Cardigan.  It seems that everyone likes to make these little freebie sweaters.  Here I've gathered up whites, blues and grays in worsted, dk and fingering weights and going to once and for all write my patterns down.  The patterns will be free when I get this project done, just wish me luck!

This is a total experiment in the works.  I have an easy summer poncho in mind, so giving it a go with Rowan Pure Linen.  If it works out, I'll write up the pattern and offer it here for free.  I need a bit of luck and patience.

Lastly, mother and I are knitting the Crackerjack scarf in support of the San Francisco Giants.  You can read about that project here. No matter what team you root for, this will be a fun project for sure.  Join us!  Opening day is today, and we're watching the first game right now. We will start our first stripe tomorrow.  PS, I'm talking about baseball ;)

 Thank you all for reading and commenting to enter my last contest.
The three winners of the GLEENER are:

kitten with a whiplash (jeez, I love that name!)
Amy Calkins
Rita Bhatia

PM me with your mailing address and I'll send your Gleener out pronto.


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  1. I just love your blog! I'm wondering which pattern is the one for the Martin Storey pullover. The navy ink colorway looks just right.

    1. Kristen, I was able to find the pattern on your Ravelry page. Thank you & happy knitting on your WIP projects.

  2. What a lovely assortment of WIP! I have some of that Scottish Tweed Aran, that color in particular was my favorite, but the yarn has become The Yarn That Got Away for me. Oh how I love it, how I wish I had more!

    1. I'm glad to hear you like it. I'm using it here for the first time and am enjoying working with it. I love the sea green color.

  3. Enjoyed your blog today, inspiring as always. I love the Clara dress which I would like to knit for my new granddaughter but was wondering if you know where I could obtain this pattern in the UK?

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I found it on the Isager site, and I would imagine they ship internationally. It's available as kit only from Isager. You may be able to find the pattern sold separately at your LYS or online. I found it at my lys in CA, Uncommon Threads Los Altos. I wish I could be more help! Here's the kit link:

  4. Beautiful projects Kristen.


  5. Hi, Kristen -
    You are so talented!! I have seven sisters that love knitting. Growing up, they would make me sweaters, mittens, scarfs, etc. I didn't appreciate it then, but today, I cherish everything handmade - especially the throws from my sisters.
    Cheers from DC,


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