Organizing the Cookbooks

January 21, 2013

I think I've finally found the perfect place for my cookbooks.  At the end of the hall that leads to our bedroom is a small set of bookcases where I arranged our family photos.  My cookbooks have found a new home here.  When I'm looking for a recipe, the window seat is a perfect place to perch.

But before I could think of a new home for my cookbook collection, I went through them and donated over half.  I was ruthless.  I did not want to hold on to books that I hadn't opened in years.  Now with the internet, I am only using my most favorite cookbooks.

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  1. What a wonderful set of book-cases. The hallway is very pretty with the windows and the window-seats. Mine, of course, would have cats perched about.

  2. You really seem to have a warm home!

  3. I did the same thing last year and gave half my books away. It felt good to get organized. The window seat looks like a wonderful place to sit and look at your books. What a great space!

  4. What a beautiful spot for a read...cookbook or novel. Lucky you!

  5. I am one of the fortunate friends that Kristen helped organized when we moved to a smaller house. She is amazing.

  6. Hey, Kristen! GREAT idea to put them in a spot where they are decorative AND you can sit comfortably to peruse them. I am cleaning out my home office and ruthlessly purging. The kitchen is next on the list with cookbooks' heads on the chopping block. Goodwill is going to be FILLED!!!!! :-) Have fun organizing!!! (I love to do it, too!!!)

  7. Is that an American Heart Association cookbook, middle shelf, on the right? If so try the breakfast that you soak overnight and then heat has millet, dried blueberries or dates, other grains. Really good and easy!

  8. Your cookbook storage looks great and oh to have that window seat to perch on while your wander through your books. I think you're right on the mark about cleaning them out first. That's something I need to do!

    - The Tablescaper


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