The Theme is Red

August 16, 2012

I'm back from a three week blogging break with a lot of pictures that all seem to have a bit of red in them but not much else in common, thus the post title.  I've been on a family vacation and then had family stay, so I wrote up several posts in advance and used the Blogger delay post option which worked out great!

Leaving a large vegetable garden in August is a challenge.  We striped it clean before we left and brought up bags of fresh produce to the lake.   However, when we got home only one week later, it was burgeoning and ready to be harvested again.  I asked my neighbor to pick all she wanted but she didn't!

First thing though was to make a few posies for the house.

You can't imagine the bags and bags we picked the first day back, but I'll just tell you about the red ones, to go along with my theme.

I roasted a few of the beets to make a refreshing cold salad.

First day back we picked 70 pounds of tomatoes.  No joke.  That translates to lots and lots of fresh to eat and share, plus I made 4 quarts of diced tomatoes and 11 quarts of tomato sauce.

Here is one of our favorite summer lunches, cold tomatoes stuffed with tuna salad. 

Daily in the summer we have tomato tastings.  I've been keeping notes and will let you know our favorites.

I oven dried the cherry tomatoes.  I had four pans.


The result was two quart jars of dried tomatoes that look a bit like large raisins.  They taste so sweet and wonderful!  Recipe here.

I picked lots of summer squash and made 3 loaves of banana zucchini bread, substituting grated patty pan.  The right squash on the right is actually a covered sauce dish!

One loaf to eat, one loaf my son took home, and one loaf for the freezer. 


Our orange tree is having a great year!

On my needles were white summer cardi, black winter pullover, and a grey shawl.  I needed color so I cast on something bright and sparkly for Christmas.

Our red-headed grand dog.
These next pictures are of our lake trip.  I hope you love a good wipe out picture as much as me! Enjoy!

Annie an her daddy,

Oops, hit a bump.

LOVE the faces!

Wipe out begins.

Ha Ha!  Skinny legs in upper right corner.

This picture kind of says it all.  We had fun and we were plenty tired at the end of each day.

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  1. I like the bananas and squash picture:-)

  2. Dear Kristen Welcome and Hi again. You had a very enjoyable vacation with your family.. I like all your pictures with your sweet family. And also Your vegetables seem so delicious. Yellow colored tomatoes are so interesting for me that this is my fisrt time that I have seen yellow tomatoes..
    And Of course Your garnd dog is realyy a beautiful dog... Ohh I like pets so so and so much...:)))

  3. So jealous - I want 70 lbs of tomatoes! hehehe (your neighbor really missed out by not getting in on that!)

    AND - that red Christmas knitting project looks gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Tina J.

  4. I continue to be amazed at your tomato harvest! I will have to try growing beets next year, they are so yummy.
    That red knitting project looks really pretty, love the sparkly edging. I haven't gone tubing behind a boat in years but it still looks fun, even when you wipe out! Your dog sure is a handsome fellow.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Welcome back to you too! Looks like you had a good trip and a wonderful harvest to welcome you back. I have the blackest thumb of anyone I know, but I recently ate some husk tomatoes that were sooo good that I will try my hand at growing them next year.

    The knitting project looks beautiful so far. Love the sparkles!

  6. Kristen, Found you today through knitting blogs, your garden posts remind me so much of my childhood in Illinois where we always had big veggie and flower gardens. All summer there were fresh flowers in the house and lots of fresh vegetables. My father still has a fairly sizeable garden for someone who is 90 years old. Thanks for taking me back to my childhood! I'll keep reading...

  7. I am speechless!!! so much beauty, so much fun!
    Thank you for sharing your vacation and harvest!


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